Year 6
School Closure
If you need to contact us about any of the work your child has been set or if you would like to share photos of the activities you have been doing or if you've found anything you think everyone else might find interesting, please email us:
Graduation and last day photos
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say thank you for making the last day so brilliant, I really appreciated the cards and presents I received from you.
I'm on holiday in the Lake District now but as soon as I am back next week (28th July) I will sort through all of the photos on the iPads and send them to your parents via email.
Have a great summer holiday
Mr Briley
Year 6 Classroom in September 2020
School Closure Week 17 - FINALLY YOU'RE COMING BACK!!!
-We cannot wait to see you all on Monday
-The hours will be 8:45am - 3:15pm
-Bring a bag with you on Monday to take home books and any other items
-PE type clothes Monday - Thursday
-Smart clothes on Friday for Graduation/Prom/BBQ
-Collection on Friday will be at 1pm; parents are welcome onto the playground to say goodbye.
*Please can you message each other to check everyone has seen the messages
Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday :-)
School Closure Week 16
Hi Year 6,
I cannot believe this is week 16; this is the last week of home learning before you all come back for your last week in primary school. We've got a fantastic week planned and I hope you all come back, I'll be ringing some of you this week to check if you haven't completed the survey. Can I ask all of you to message each other and check with each other that everyone has seen the messages and please encourage everyone to come back - we'd really love to see you all! We'll be texting out and putting some information on this page about what to expect so please keep an eye out.
Enjoy your last week and we look forward to seeing you on the 13th
Mr Briley and Mrs Butler
Home Learning Week Beginning 6.7.20
School Closure Week 15
Hello Year 6,
I hope you've all had a great week. I've been working with Mrs Butler this week to plan our final week when you all return to school (we've got a really exciting week planned) some of your parents may have filled in the survey on the website to say whether you'll be returning so I'll making some phone calls to confirm this week.
I also played a trick on Mrs Lewis this week; she hasn't been able to come into school for a long time and we're all missing her alot - check out the photos below, luckily she found it very funny when I showed them to her, the cardboard cut out is also scaring the staff around school which is very funny.
Have a great week and we'll see you very soon :-)
Home Learning Week Beginning 29.6.20
My trick on Mrs Lewis
School Closure Week 14
Hi everyone,
I hope you've all had a great week. It's been lovely speaking to some of you on the phone over the last few weeks or catching up with your parents when they've come up to school.
I've been working hard planning for more children to come back and of course, now we know Year 6 are coming back into school for the last week, Mrs Butler and I have started putting an exciting week of activities together. I'm hoping to finish it this week and then I'll post it on here so you can see what we'll be doing.
It's world well-being week this week so I'd really like you to check out the Black Country Rainbow Hour Booklet, there's a selection of activities which aim to promote mindfulness and mental health.
Below the Home Learning section this week I have added a 'Transition' section which will include any information sent from the various High Schools - take a look at the documents which are from your school.
Have a great week!
Home Learning Week Beginning 22.6.20
High School Transition Information
School Closure Week 13
Hi everyone,
I hope you've all had a good week. It was lovely to speak to some more of you on the phone this week, I've still got a few more of you to ring so if I haven't spoken to you yet then I'll try again this week.
Please check the latest newsletter on the website because there is some important information about Year 6 coming back into school from 13th - 17th July; you'll need to ring the office to let us know you're coming back.
Have a great week!
Mr Briley and Mrs Butler
Richie keeping fit and active at home
Work Sent In This Week
Home Learning Week Beginning 15.6.20
School Closure Week 12
Hi Year 6,
I hope you and your families are keeping safe and well.
I cannot believe we're on week 12 - where has that time gone! I managed to cycle to school a few times this week and enjoyed lots of cake and a Chinese on my birthday on Friday.
We welcomed more children back into school on Monday so we had a very busy week - if we didn't manage to ring you last week then we'll try and speak to you this week :-)
This week in school the groups are learning all about Space so below you will find lots of different activities as well as the Maths, Reading and GPS.
I haven't had many photos of work for awhile so please do send them in and I will put them on the website.
I have been in contact with lots of the High Schools you're all moving to this week about their transition days so I'll let you know more when I know more. Please remember, although you're not at school at the moment, the High Schools you're attending will be expecting you to use this time wisely. We're providing lots of work for you to complete to ensure you do not fall behind in your education. If you are sat at home playing Xbox all day or making TikTok videos then you are not using your time wisely and you will not be prepared for Year 7 in September; you haven't got to do school work for 6 hours a day but you do need to think carefully about putting yourself in the best possible position for Year 7 - please remember this!
Have a great week and if you need anything just let us know!
Mr Briley and Mrs Butler
Home Learning Week Beginning 8.6.20
School Closure Week 11
Hello Year 6,
I hope you've had a really great week and have enjoyed playing in the sun. I'm sorry that year 6 aren't coming back to school just yet but hopefully we'll see you all very soon.
Mrs Butler and I will be making some phone calls this week to see how you all are so keep an ear out for these.
We're trying something new for Maths with a video to explain the learning and then some tasks to do by yourself. There's also some nice tasks from the film 'Inside Out' which the groups in school will be doing too - check it out below.
If you have any problems with the work then please email the school and we'll do our best to sort it for you.
It's my birthday on Friday so please eat a piece of cake and have a great day.
Have a great week! We miss you all.
Home Learning Wk Beg 1.6.20
Inside Out Resources
School Closure - Week 10
Hello Year 6,
Happy Half-term!
As a school, we're not setting any official work this week but TTRS and Lexia are still available if you want them. There is also a document underneath this with some activity ideas.
Next week on 4th June there is a Guinness World Record attempt on TTRS, it's a competition to see how many correct answers you can score in 1 minute so get now is a perfect time to practise.
You will have hopefully seen that Yr6 are not coming back to school just yet, we really hope you will be able to come back soon - we'll keep you updated.
Have a great week and keep safe.
Mr Briley
Half term activities
Work sent in this week
School Closure Week 9
Hi Year 6,
I hope you all enjoyed SATs week last week, I know some of you completed some of the papers so well done. I've attached the answer booklets for the test so you can mark your own papers if you want to.
I've had a very busy week in school this week. Since it was announced that Yr 6, Yr 1 and Reception might be coming back into school on the 1st June I've been in school working on what this will look like.
Well done to these people this week:
Lexia - Jess Has 63mins, Jacey 82mins, Katelyn 35 mins and Daniel 41mins.
TTRS - Jess Has, Dylan, Jacey, Cayden, Blake and Joe all completed at least 3 sessions.
Diagnostic questions - Dylan, Jacey, Jess Has, Tosan and Amylee
I've added some new maths videos and worksheets this week, let me know if you like them as it's something we're going to use while the school isn't open to everyone.
Reopening information.
You will know your parents filled in a survey last week to tell us whether you'll be coming in to school when it reopens. If you said, yes - brilliant. If you said, no - that's absolutely fine (it's a personal choice for you and your family. If you said, maybe - there will be some extra information coming out this week which should help you decide.
Learning resources - Wk Beginning 18.5.20
A message from Grace
Work sent in this week
School Closure Week 8 - Happy SATs Week!
Hi Year 6,
Happy SATs Week!
It could have been a very different week for us all had we been doing SATs this week and even though we're not, I want you to remember how hard you worked this year to get to this point. I know a lot of you will be disappointed SATs got cancelled but please don't let that take away from the hard work and effort you put in.
Well done to these people this week:
Lexia: Jacey 80mins, Jess Has 28mins.
TTRS: Jess Has, Dylan, Jacey and Joe all completed at least 3 session this week.
Diagnostic Questions: Jacey, Tosan, Dylan and Jess Has.
Thanks to Jess and Grace for sending work in this week - check it out below.
There's still a few of you who I haven't been able to get through to yet when I have rung but I will try again this week.
Wk Beginning 11.5.20
School Closure Week 7
Hi Year 6,
It was lovely to speak to most of you on Friday, it's great to hear most of you have been keeping really busy and lots of you are helping out around the house. Some of you I didn't get to speak to so I will try to ring you again on Wednesday when I'm in school.
Well done to these people for completing the online work this week:
Lexia: Jacey 82minutes, Jess Has 62minutes.
TTRS: Tosan, Grace, Dylan and Daisy all did 3 or more sessions. More of you logged in but try to get on at least 3 times.
Diagnostic Questions: Amylee, Jacey, Jess Has, Dylan, Maisy, Tosan
Thanks to Amylee for sending some sketches she's done - check them out below, they're amazing! It's really strange because I was watching the Toy Story Films earlier.
I've been baking Flapjacks this week, they were really tasty and you'll be pleased to hear I didn't burn them. I also went for a walk over Chasewater on Saturday - look how close the Deer were to the paths.
Have a great week and don't forget to send me any work or things you've been doing at home.
Wk Beginning 04.05.20
Work sent in this week
Amylee's sketches
My walk at Chasewater
School Closure Week 6
Hi everyone,
Can you believe we are already in week 6? I hope you're all ok, Mrs Butler and I really miss you all - I'll be making some phone calls this week when I am in school just to see if you're all ok and to say hello.
Well done to these people for completing work last week.
Lexia: Katelyn 80mins, Jacey 23mins and Jess Has 11mins.
TTRS: Dylan, Blake, Jacey, Daisy, Tosan, Jess Has all completed 3 or more sessions.
Diagnostic Questions: Jacey, Dylan, Amylee, Jess Has, Grace and Daisy
I've added two maths booklets this week in case you've finished your revision books and I've added a nice geography project.
Please don't forget to send me any work, photos or messages - check out what everyone has sent in below.
Week 6 27.4.20
School Closure Week 5
Hi Yr 6,
I hope you're all ok and keeping safe and well at home. I've mostly been eating Easter eggs this week but I've also seen the deer almost every time I've been out the house which has been really lovely - check out the photos below.
Well done to these people for completing the online work this week.
Lexia: Katelyn, a massive 149minutes this week.
Diagnostic questions: Grace, Dylan, Maisy, Lydia and Richie.
TTRS: Tosan, Dylan and Maisy completed at least 3 sessions.
Thanks to Grace and Brooke for sending me work - check it out below.
Have a wonderful week, I miss each and every one of you - even the loud ones!
Hello Year 6, I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I have seen the lovely work you are doing at home. Well done! and keep going. I hope you are enjoying spending time with your families and learning new skills. I can't wait to hear about all the lovely new things you have experienced during your time at home.
I have been learning too and have completed nine online courses up to yet. Remember everyday is a learning day; make the most of this time to learn new things and cherish your loved ones.
I am missing my hugs and the banter we have shared this year but most of all I miss each and everyone of you and can't wait until we are all back together again.
Keep 'DREAMING BIG.' Lots of love and virtual hugs from Mrs Butler xxx
Week 5 20.4.20
A message from Grace
Work Sent In
Harrison working hard and keeping busy
Grace's Fitness Session
School Closure Week 4
Hi Year 6,
I hope you all had a great Easter weekend and you managed to enjoy the beautiful weather. I went on a few walks across the fields opposite my house - check out the photos below.
Well done to all of you who are doing work at home
Rockstars - some of you logged in once but only Dylan and Jacey went on 3 or more times. 15sessions a day is not a lot!
Lexia - Only Jacey completed her minutes.
Thanks to Dylan, Amylee and Grace for sending me work - check it out below.
Week 4 13.4.20
School Closure Week 3
Hi Year 6,
It's been a strange week being at home all week. I'm sure some of you are finding it quite difficult and in truth, I am too so you're not the only ones. Somehow I've managed to eat 3 Easter eggs already- you all know I love chocolate so this week I need to try and cycle more. I also made a skittles milkshake, which tasted incredible! I'll upload some pictures of my week for you on here.
Thanks to: Dylan, Grace, Amy, Jess Has and Harrison who have all sent me work - their photos are below.
Well done to these children for completing some of the tasks set
Lexia: Jacey 80minutes completed - come on the rest of you!
TTRS: Tosan, Nathan, Grace, Daisy, Jack, Dylan, Maisy, Amylee, Jacey, Jess Has, Katelyn and Katy.
Diagnostic Questions: Amylee, Richie, Alfie, Jess Has, Grace, Keleigh, Dylan, Jacey, Maisy, Blake, Jack and Daisy.
Week 3 6.4.20
Work sent in this week
Computing Projects
School Closure Week 2
Hi Year 6,
A quick update, last week I was in school for the week. I helped look after the children in school on Monday and Tuesday and then I spent a few days sorting through all of the PE equipment we bought. I also cycled to work and tried to complete the Joe Wicks session - I struggled to move for 4 days after.
Well done to these children for completing:
Blake, Dylan, Amylee, Grace and Lydia
Diagnostic Questions:
Blake, Lydia, Dylan, Grace and Daisy
Please try to get on RockStars each day and try to complete the 10 Diagnostic Questions set for the week.
Have a great week, any problems please contact me.
Check out what I saw when I cycled into work last week

Year 6 Work Sent In
Week 2 30.3.20
Spelling Lists and activities
School Closure - Year 6
Hello Year 6,
A few things I'd like to say:
Firstly, I know most of you think I sit at home listening to piano music...and this is mostly true :-) Alexis Ffrench, the pianist we listen to in class released his new album last week. If you want some wonderful music to listen to when you're working check out the song called 'One' - it's my favourite so far.
1. I know some of you were upset last week that we might not be in school for quite some time and you were worrying about missing the prom, leavers assemblies and Laches Wood. We don't really know when you will be back in school properly, but I will make a promise to you - I will organise a BBQ on the school field with a bouncy castle for Year 6 as soon as we are through this and we'll have a great time all back together again.
2. Keeping up with your school work is really important over the next few weeks - but so is looking after yourself and having fun.
3. Each week I will put a selection of learning opportunities on the website for you, as and when I see things I'll also upload anything I think you'll find interesting.
Lastly, make the most of this opportunity (Don't sit watching TV all day or playing on your Xbox) I'm going to use some of this time to make sure my back is better by doing the Joe Wicks daily work outs, daily yoga and I'll be cycling to school when I'm in.
Stay fit, Stay healthy and I'll see you all soon from Mr Briley.
Week 1 23.3.20
Welcome to Year 6!
Mr Briley and Mrs Butler
Welcome to Year 6's page. Here we will keep you updated on what has been going on in Year 6 over the year - it's sure to be a busy one! At the bottom of this page you will find documents and links that you may find handy to use with your child.
Indoor (Wednesday) Outdoor (Thursday)
Indoor PE kit consists of blue shorts, a yellow t-shirt and black pumps. For Outdoor PE lessons children will need a kit that will keep them sufficiently warm and dry so a tracksuit, trainers, clean socks and a lightweight waterproof jacket would be ideal. Both PE kits should be in school every day. Children need to have their hair tied back and be free of all jewellery. It is a good idea to make sure that earrings are left at home.
Children who receive brass instrument tuition must have their instruments with them every Friday ready for their lessons with Mr Bennett.
Star of the Week, Writer of the Term and Mathematician of the Term
Each week Mr Briley picks a 'Star of the Week' along with a fabulous half-termly Mathematician and Writer.
Topic Stunning Start
As an introduction to our Mayan topic, we looked at images of Mayan temples and then tried to recreate some of our own using sugar cubes. Check out our attempts!