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Brownhills West Primary School

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Dream Big


Dream Big


At Brownhills West, we encourage all children to ‘Dream Big’ in everything they do. We want children to tackle their learning with determination and resilience and develop the self-belief that they can achieve anything. Staff provide fun and exciting learning opportunities and challenges across the whole school. We want our children to leave school being ready for the next milestone in their learning journey and become a responsible citizen who is prepared for this ever changing world.


DREAM BIG is our school motto and stands for:


D = Determination
R = Respect

E = Empathy
A = Acceptance
M = Motivation

B = Be Positive
I = I am the best I can be
G = Give and Take (Teamwork)

Well-Being Videos below:

Wednesday Wellbeing: Mindfulness

Every Wednesday for the next 5 weeks our Head of Wellbeing Paul Griffiths will be providing a short piece of motivation in the form of a 15-minute video that...

Wednesday Wellbeing: Positivity and Confidence

Wellbeing Wednesday Week 2 - Resilience and determination

Welcome to our second edition of Wednesday Wellbeing with Paul. This weeks video is about: Determination & ResilienceTasks for pupils include: Story writing,...

Wednesday Wellbeing: Exploration & Adventure

Every Wednesday for the next 5 weeks our Head of Wellbeing Paul Griffiths will be providing a short piece of motivation in the form of a 15-minute video that...
