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Brownhills West Primary School

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Welcome to Nursery’s class page. This page is to help you see what each child learns throughout their Nursery journey and what they will need. Please take the opportunity to look at the different documents and information to support this.

Mrs Thomas and Miss Burke

Autumn One Timetable

Autumn One Learning

Autumn Two Learning

Spring One Learning


Our P.E lessons will take place on a Thursday. The focus will be on Gross Motor skills either in the school hall or outdoors. Children will need a PE kit consisting of a plain white tshirt and black joggers, sleggings or shorts. Hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn (earrings to be removed on this day).


Nursery children may be sent homework occasionally but mostly on a Friday to be completed over the weekend. This would consist of practical and topic related activities. For the first term, we will allow the children to settle first and we will communicate through Dojo what needs to be done. We appreciate your support with homework and children will be praised and earn Dojo points.  


Children have snack time as a whole class so they get the opportunity to enjoy this ‘social time’ with their friends. Children can also have toast as an option which is 20p daily or a £1 can be sent for the week. This is a cash payment which should be handed straight to the teacher. They will have milk for a drink and will be offered fruit if they have not purchased toast. 

Class Dojo

Please connect to our class Dojo and check for updates. We regularly post what your child is learning and activities they participate in.

Uniform Labelling

Children are responsible for looking after their own belongings. Please make sure your child’s name is on all of their belongings clearly to avoid confusion and the mix up of items. Thank you.
