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Year 4

School Closure 

If you need to contact us about any of the work your child has been set or if you would like to share photos of the activities you have been doing or if you've found anything you think everyone else might find interesting, please email us:

Hey Year 4,


It is now officially the summer holidays! I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you. Although I started in January, and I only really taught you for less than 3 months, you have all made me so proud and I will cherish the memories we made together: from our highwayman lesson in the hall to being tripped over in front of all of you by Alyssia!


It makes me happy to say that you will always be my first class. Thank you.


So, have the best summer holiday you can, and make new memories!


Love you loads guys, stay vibin'

Mr Holland x


P.S. This is what our classroom looks like now!



Work Sent In This Week

Jazz Explorer Space Explorer - Audio Book

Welcome to Year 4!


Mr Holland and Mrs Dale 


Welcome to Year 4's page. Here we will keep you updated on what has been going on in Year 4 over the year. 



Indoor PE kit consists of blue shorts, a yellow t-shirt and black pumps. For Outdoor PE lessons children will need a kit that will keep them sufficiently warm and dry so a tracksuit, trainers, clean socks and a lightweight waterproof jacket would be ideal. 


PE kits should be in school every day but the days we have our lessons are:

Indoor PE: Tuesday

Outdoor PE: Wednesday



Children will be expected to access the Rock Stars times tables from home and complete activities set. This can also be completed on a written sheet if internet access is problematic. Children will be expected to read at least four times per week and reading diaries will be checked every Friday so that children can be rewarded accordingly. Topic homework will also be set each half term. This will take the form of a project based on what they are studying in school. Should any children not return their homework on time, it will be expected that they will complete it at homework club. 


Star of the Week, Writer of the Half Term and Mathematician of the Half Term


Each week we will pick a 'Star of the Week' along with a fabulous half termly Mathematician and Writer. Maths work and writing is on display in our achievement corridor. 
