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Brownhills West Primary School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those looked after by the local authority and the children of armed service personnel. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used.


Our ultimate objective is to raise the attainment and progress of children eligible for Pupil Premium funding so that their performance compares favourably with their non-Pupil Premium peers. We aim to ensure that children eligible for Pupil Premium have the same opportunities and experiences as their non-Pupil Premium peers and are proportionately represented in all aspects of school life so that our children are challenged in lessons and engaged in wider experiences outside the classroom that will develop their skills to be successful in life.


Our current Pupil Premium Strategy plan works towards achieving those objectives through implementing research informed approaches and ensuring the funding received is spent directly on plans to boost the attainment of our children eligible for Pupil Premium.


Many of the plans we put in place to support children eligible for Pupil Premium also support and raise outcomes of other groups within the school, such as those with Special Educational Needs, and those identified as Most Able.


Our Pupil Premium Strategy plan details our current academic year's plan along with analysis of last year's spending and impact.


See our 3 year Pupil Premium Strategy above for more details. 
