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Year 5

School Closure 

If you need to contact us about any of the work your child has been set or if you would like to share photos of the activities you have been doing or if you've found anything you think everyone else might find interesting, please email us:

Hello Year 5,

I would just like to say I had a wonderful few weeks teaching you and I hope that you have a fabulous Summer holiday! Stay safe and keep well. See you all in September.

Love from Mrs Jones and Miss Gates xxx

Hello to the new Year 5. Looking forward to seeing you all in September. This is what our classroom will look like when you start back at school.

Love from Mrs Jones and Mrs Lewis xxx

Home Learning week 17 wb 13.07.20 overview

Home Learning Week 16 wb 06.07.20 overview

Don't forget our special assembly is on Friday 10th July starting at 9.30.

Hope to see you there!


Home Learning Week 15 wb 29.06.20 overview

Izzy's home learning

Work sent in this week

Work Sent In This Week

Half Term fun activities

Izzy and Holly Science experiments

A message from Miss Gates...


Hi Year 5,

I can't believe it has been so long since we were all together. I'm missing you all lots and can't wait till we can be together again.

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather and spending time with your family.

I'm enjoying the sunshine when I'm not at work and looking after my new puppy we've named him Rolo! He's very cute, but mischievous.

Keep up all the hard work and please send in pictures, I love seeing what you are all doing.

Take care and hope to see your big smiles soon smiley

lots of love 

Miss Gates xxx


Week 9 wb 18.05.20 overview

Science Project wb 18.05.20

Izzy and Holly's caterpillars

Week 8 wb 11.05.20 overview

There is also a link to some work from The Literacy Shed video called 'Beyond the lines' on youtube in the overview.

DT project: Den Building 11.05.20

All of your fantastic home learning!

Izzy's wonderful work at home

Week 7 wb 04.05.20 overview

V.E Day learning letter wb 04.05.20

Reading wb 04.05.20

Writing wb 04.05.20

Don't forget BBC bitesize are adding live lessons for each year group every day on a variety of subjects and topics. These are really good and worth a watch.

Izzy's Tutankhamun report

Week 6 wb 27.04.20 overview

History project wb 27.04.20

Week 5 wb 20.04.20 overview

Week 4 wb 13.04.20

This is a link to the Forest Arts You Tube channel which the children who play a brass instrument might find useful.

Week 3 wb 06.04.20

Computing Home Learning Project

Week 2 wb 30.03.20

Izzy's Computing project

Week 1 wb 23.03.20



Week 1 wb 23.03.20


Welcome to Year 5!


Mrs Jones & Miss Gates 


Welcome to Year 5's page. Here we will keep you updated on what has been going on in Year 5 over the year. At the bottom of this page you will find documents and links that you may find handy to use with your child.



During the Spring Term (until Easter) we will be continuing swimming lessons every Tuesday afternoon. Swimming kit - including a swimming cap - needs to be in school on a Tuesday. Please make sure earrings are removed and hair is tied up for on swimming days.


Although we won't have timetabled PE sessions during this half term, it is important that children still have their PE kits in school every day. Indoor PE kit consists of blue shorts, a yellow t-shirt and black pumps. For Outdoor PE lessons children will need a kit that will keep them sufficiently warm and dry so a tracksuit, trainers, clean socks and a lightweight waterproof jacket would be ideal. 



We expect children:

  • to read at least four times each week - reading diaries will be checked on Fridays so that we can reward children who have read.
  • to practise their times tables on the Times Tables Rockstars app (we will provide paper copies for those who don't have an internet connection).
  • to learn their weekly spellings.
  • to complete a topic project.


Star of the Week, Writer of the Month and Mathematician of the Month


Each week Mrs Winfield and Miss Gates pick a 'Star of the Week' along with a fabulous half termly Mathematician, Writer, and Hand writer. Maths work and writing is on display in our achievement corridor. Have a look at who has received these awards this year... 


13.09.19 - Sofia was our Star of the Week for her fabulous writing!

20.09.19 - Lacey was our Star this week for working incredibly hard across the curriculum, even taking extra work home.

27.09.19 - Ruby showed so much determination at swimming this week - she's even moved into the next group! 

04.10.19 - Ashley has been chosen for Star of the Week this week for his hard work in maths lessons. 

11.10.19 - Kacey was our Star this week for showing huge determination at swimming and finally getting rid of her armbands!

Autumn 1 Gold Praise - Taylor 

Autumn 1 Gold Praise - Casey-Mai

Autumn 1 Writer of the Half Term - Kyra 

Autumn 1 Mathematician of the Half Term - Ruby Mae 

Autumn 1 Handwriter - Kyle W

15.11.19 - Kieran was our Star of the week for trying incredibly hard during swimming lessons - his determination paid off and he has finally got rid of his armbands!

22.11.19 - Our stay for always being Brownhills' Best is Ruby-Mae.

29.11.19 - Ashley was our Star this week for his fabulous diary writing! 

Autumn 2 Gold Praise - Kieran 

Autumn 2 Gold Praise - Paige B

Autumn 2 Writer of the Half Term - Taylor

Autumn 2 Mathematician of the Half Term - Elanwy

Autumn 2 Handwriter - Harrison

10.01.20 Hayden was our Star of the Week for sharing his great scientific knowledge with us!

17.01.20 - Kyra was our Star of the Week for being fabulous! 

24.01.20 - Kyle W was our Star for his brilliant discussion writing. 

06.03.20 - The whole class were awarded a certificate for such wonderful behaviour when we visited Brownhills School for Peter Pan!

13.03.20 - Caylee Wells was our star of the week for excellent perseverance in maths!





World Space Week - The Moon: A Gateway to the Stars

We had a great day on Thursday celebrating World Space Week. We started the morning with an assembly lead by Miss Birch and then once back in class we watched a video of the take of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon and the eventual moon landing! As our current English unit is writing newspaper reports, we wrote a report about the first steps on the moon. In the afternoon we created some beautiful artwork with Mrs Cox based on an illustration from The Sea of Tranquility by Mark Haddon. 

Why Must Gunpowder, Treason and Plot Never Be Forgotten? - Stunning Start

This week Year 5 got stuck in to the topic of the term: Why Must Gunpowder, Treason and Plot Never Be Forgotten? We realised that the topic must have something to do with Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 but once we understood what the crime of treason was, we had lots more questions to ask such as: Who has ever tried to commit treason? Has anybody ever been successful? Is it true that people who have attempted to commit treason have been executed? Does it still happen? We were split into the two groups of the English Civil War; the Royalists (also known as the Cavaliers) and the Parliamentarians (the Roundheads!) and completed a variety of tasks. We can’t wait to learn more about this topic!


Our first week back at school had a focus of 'Dreams'.  We thought carefully about our dreams for the future and we created an 'aspiration tree' with our long term and short term dreams that we'd like to achieve. We then made our very own dream catchers! Have a look at the pictures below.

Dream catchers!

We had a great time dressing up and celebrating World Book Day. The children loved sharing stories and talking about books with Year 1. We completed character profiles and made book marks.

World Book Day 2020

Science Week 2020

To celebrate Science week we took part in a forensic work shop to find out what forensic scientists do. We studied fossils and learned all about Palaeontology and finding out about Mary Anning who was one of the first palaeontologists.

Year 5 Curriculum
