Year 2
School Closure
If you need to contact us about any of the work your child has been set or if you would like to share photos of the activities you have been doing or if you've found anything you think everyone else might find interesting, please email us:
Hi Year 2!
I hope you are all okay. It is now officially the summer holidays. I want to say that we have enjoyed teaching you and Mrs Cox and I hope that you have a lovely summer.
Here is what our Year 2 classroom looks like now...
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 13/07/20
Hello Year 2!
I absolutely loved seeing your lovely faces on Tuesday. I cannot believe how much you have all grown. It was lovely to hear what you have been doing at home and the learning that you have been doing. I wish you had all been sending me lots of pictures of these things so I would have known sooner.
This week you have a lovely PE project for you to have a go at. As you would have normally of had a Sports day, this week’s task is based around organising your own. Take lots of pictures and short videos to send in to
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
TBC Monday
Can you believe it is your final week of Year 2? You have all been such a pleasure to teach and I have loved getting to know you all. We will miss you very much.
Have an amazing final week!
Love from
Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 13/07/20
Phonics Information
Please find below information about phonics lessons on the Ruth Miskin YouTube channel.
If you have any problems, please email us:
All films will be released at 9.30am from Monday to Friday.
Each film is approximately ten to fifteen minutes long and will be available on YouTube for 24 hours.
Set 1, 2 and 3 Speed Sounds lessons will restart on 1st June 2020.
Set 2 and 3 Speed Sounds lessons will include new words for reading and spelling.
New daily films:
- Read longer words: for children who can read Set 3 sounds and words confidently.
- Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Reception.
- Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Y1.
- Read and Hold a Sentence 1 (from 15th June): reading and writing practice for children reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children reading and writing with Set 1 sounds confidently and learning Set 2 sounds.)
- Read and Hold a Sentence 2 (from 15th June): reading and writing practice for children reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children reading and writing words with Set 2 sounds confidently and learning Set 3 sounds.)
All films will be in separate categories on the YouTube channel.
All of your fantastic home learning!
Link to Phonics Lessons
This link now includes Phonics and spelling lessons. Please check the link for times of lessons and videos. There will also be a story time at 2.00pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday - check it out!
If you need any help with your child's reading, spelling and writing please see the 'frequently asked questions' document below.
Spelling Lists and activities
Week Beginning 6.07.20
Hi Year 2!
This week was Art Week and we have enjoyed doing many activities around the 'Natural World' theme. We focused on animals and their habitats and so we made tissue paper under the sea pictures, Sahara Desert silhouettes, hand and finger paintings of the jungle and abstract drawings of animals in the Artic. Please send me in pictures of what you have been doing.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Henley, Mason Burns, Charlie, Elias, Eveie and Jessika for doing their daily Times Table Rock Stars
Louisa, Charlie, Jessika and Henley for completing their Diagnostic Questions quizzes.
I am very excited to see you all on Tuesday and celebrate all of your achievements throughout this unusual time. Remember to be there by 9.30!
See you soon.
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 06.07.20
Week Beginning 29.06.20
Hello year 2!
I hope you had a good week completing lots of nice mindful activities and focusing on your well-being. We certainly did in school, we made nature pictures, BIG paintings and mindfulness board games which we enjoyed playing.
This week is Children's Art Week so there are lots of lovely art activities for you to complete alongside your Maths, SPaG, English and reading tasks.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Jessika, Henley, Reegen Skye, Mason Burns, Eveie and Elias for doing their daily Times Table Rock Stars
Evie, Charlie, Henley and Jessika for completing their Diagnostic Questions quizzes.
We miss you very much and hope to see you on the 7th of July.
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 29.06.20
Week Beginning 22.06.20
Hello Year 2!
I hope you are all well. This week we enjoyed exploring the life and achievements of Florence Nightingale and some other British History Heroes.
This week is World Wellbeing Week. Therefore we will be doing lots of daily wellbeing activities in school to focus on mindfulness and our wellbeing. Remember it is so important to look after ourselves. So I hope you have a nice week relaxing and taking some time to focus on you!
It is also National Writing Day on Wednesday. So I would like you to have a go at writing a story of your very own. You can base it on a book you have already read or could be something to do with wellbeing. There is a document below to help you. Please send me in some of the things you have been getting up to.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Jessika, Henley, Skye, Elias, Reegen, Mason Burns and Eveie for doing their daily Times Table Rock Stars
Eveie, Charlie, Henley, Corey and Jessika for completing their Diagnostic Questions quizzes.
I hope to see you all soon!
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 22.06.20
Work sent in this week

Week Beginning 15.06.20
Hello Year 2!
We have had a lovely second week at school discovering lots about space. We have done a fact hunt, building rockets, space art and made hanging planets alongside daily Maths, Fitness, English and reading. Here is the hanging planets I made...
This weeks project is all about your role models and British History Heroes that are role models for others. Alongside this, if you want, you can use the resources below to make fathers day cards for your father/ another member of your family/ someone that cares for you/ a role model.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Mason Burns, Henley, Skye, Charlie, Elias, Reegen, Jacob, Jessika, Gracie, Lily-Mae, Corey and Eveie for all doing their daily Times Table Rock Stars
Charlie and Henley for completing their Diagnostic Questions quizzes.
Keep doing the best you can. We miss you!
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 15.06.20
Father's Day Resources
History Project
Work Sent In This Week

Week Beginning 8.06.20
Hi Year 2!
I hope you have all been well. We haven't had as much sunshine this week but I hope you have enjoyed the activities based around the Inside Out film. We certainly have at school. We made masks, toilet toll characters and had lots of discussions about our emotions. Here are the ones I made...
This weeks project is all about Space. There is so much to learn about and many activities for you to complete or have a go at. Please send in what you have been doing as I would love to see.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Mason Burns, Henley, Skye, Charlie, Elias, Louisa, Charlotte, Reegen, Jacob, Jessika and Eveie all completed their sessions on Times Table Rock Stars.
Have a really good week. Don't forget you are doing a brilliant job.
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 08.06.20
Space Resources
Hello Year 2,
I hope you have all had a great week and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Hopefully we will be able to see each other again soon but until then it is time to get back doing some home learning.
For maths this week we will be using the White Rose resources with a video to explain the learning and then some tasks to do by yourself.
Make sure you are reading as much as possible, find your favourite place at home and get comfy with a book. We also have your Spelling, punctuation and grammar tasks to complete along with any of the themed activities for the week.
This weeks theme is 'Inside Out' we would like you to watch the film and then complete some of the activities. This is a great film and will really help you to discuss your feelings and emotions
If you have any problems with the work then please email the school and we'll do our best to sort it for you.
Stay safe and keep going! We miss you.
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 01.06.20
Inside Out Resources
Week Beginning 25.05.20
Hi Year 2!
This week we will not be setting any home learning tasks for you to complete as it is important that you have a well earned break! If you would like to do some tasks you can still log on to Times Tables Rock Stars, Lexia, daily reading and complete any extra things you may find. Have a fab half term!
Below there are a few activities and ideas you may want to try.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Corey, Una-Rae, Henley, Jessika, Eveie, Tommy and Charlie -completing your diagnostic questions quizzes
Jessika, Charlie, Henley, Elias, Mason Burns, Skye and Eveie - have completed their Times Tables Rockstars sessions regularly.
Reegen, Theo, Corey, Louisa, Jacob, Tommy and Zach- for all logging on this week.
Have a brilliant week. Enjoy the break and hopefully we will have some more sunshine!
Love Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 18.05.20
Hello Year 2!
I hope you are all well and behaving for your parents/careers. I know how hard it has been for you all but keep going! This week you have some exciting Science experiments to have a go at and maybe even create your own. Don't forget to send in your pictures.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Tiahna (completing 80 minutes) and Tulula (63 minutes and completing level 3) on Lexia.
Reegen, Theo, Jessika, Charlie, Henley and Eveie - have completed their Times Tables Rockstars sessions regularly.
Charlotte, Jacob, Tommy, Skye, Mason Burns, Elias, Zach, Tiahna and Kourtnie- for all logging on this week.
I am missing you all so much! Keep doing your best.
Miss Birch
Week Beginning 18.05.20
Week Beginning 11.05.20
Hi Year 2!
I hope you are all ok and you are still staying safe. I have loved seeing some photos from your VE day celebrations, I hope you all had lots of fun. I made some bunting to put outside my house and my street celebrated whilst staying on our drives.
This week the following children have been working really hard with their online activities;
Tiahna - completing 34 minutes on Lexia.
Reegen, Theo, Jessika, Charlie, Elias, Mason Burns and Eveie - have completed their Times Tables Rockstars sessions regularly.
Charlotte, Lily, Corey, Jacob, Una-Rae, Tommy, Gracie, Tiahna and Henley- for all logging on this week.
This week I have also set you 2 diagnostic questions quizzes to be completed- your username and password is on your red book. You also have a really fun DT project to get on with this week. Please send me in some pictures!
Keep working hard! You are all doing a fab job staying at home. See you soon!
Miss Birch
Week Beginning 11.05.20
Hello Year 2!
Can you believe we are in Week 7? I hope you are all well. I know the weather has not been great this week but I have still managed to get out for my daily walk. I have received lots more pictures this week, which is great. I love hearing or seeing what you have been doing at home.
I have checked to see who has completed the online tasks I have set and I just wanted to say a big well done to the following children;
Tulula for completing 49 minutes and Tiahna 245 minutes on Lexia (Passing her level 3),
Charlotte, Theo, Reegen, Jessika, Elias, Tiahna, Charlie and Eveie all completing 3 or more sessions but also Jacob, Lily, Zach and Harley for logging on more often. This is a lot more children completing their minutes, well done!
Please make sure you are completing your sessions regularly. You will now need to complete at least 7 sessions a day on Rock Stars as this is only 7 minutes of practicing your times tables.
This week there is a very interesting VE Day project for you to do so that we can celebrate its 75th anniversary.
You are all doing an amazing job at staying at home and keeping yourselves busy. Please continue to stay safe and have fun. Hopefully we will see each other soon!
Miss Birch x
A message from Mrs Cox…
Hi Year 2!
I hope you're all well and enjoying your time at home? I'm spending most of my days looking after my three small children - they're keeping me very busy! We've been enjoying walking our dog over the field, doing lots of messy craft activities together, baking and school work (and a few arguments and tantrums here and there!). I can't wait to hear all the lovely things you've all been up to! I bet you've been having lots of lovely days in the garden or going for a nice walk in the sunshine. It's lovely to be having lots of time at home isn't it, but if you're like me I bet you're starting to miss school now too, I'm really looking forward to the day when you all noisily burst through the classroom door, we order tuck and dinners together and then get on with the rest of our day learning and having fun! Keep on being good for whoever is looking after you, lots of love Mrs Cox xXx
Week Beginning 04.05.20
Week Beginning 27.04.20
Hello Year 2!
I hope you have had another great week. I absolutely loved speaking to you and your parents and I am happy to hear all the wonderful things that you have been doing at home. Some achievements that I heard about were: Learning ALL of the year ½ spellings, learning to ride their bike, learning 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables, learning to tell the time and so many more. It is fantastic to hear and I would still like to continue hearing about it so please email in with pictures.
This week I have tried to learn a new skill myself. So me and my brother worked together to make a bird house. I hope you like it...
I have checked to see who has completed the online tasks I have set and I just wanted to say a big well done to the following children;
Tulula for completing 76 minutes and Tiahna for 107 minutes on Lexia
and Reegen, Jessika and Eveie for completing 2 or more sessions every day!
Please make sure you are completing your sessions regularly. I have changed Times Table Rock Stars to at least 3 sessions per day as you are getting a lot quicker which is fantastic!
This week for Maths I would like you to use the BBC Bitesize as it was highly recommended by a few parents and children.
Keep up all your brilliant work but most importantly stay safe and have fun! I miss you lots.
Miss Birch x
Week Beginning 27.04.20
Week Beginning 20.04.20
Hello Year 2!
I hope you enjoyed your Easter holiday and thankfully all of the sunshine we have had. This week I have made the most out of the garden by doing some work in the sunshine and have finished a book I have been reading.
I hope you have all had another great week and have been staying safe.
I have checked to see who has completed the online tasks I have set and I just wanted to say a big well done to the following children;
Tulula for completing 60 minutes and Tiahna for 23 minutes on Lexia
and Jessika, Charlie and Eveie for completing 2 or more sessions each day!
There has been a low number of children logging in to Times Table Rock Stars, please make sure you are completing your sessions regularly.
If you have completed any work and want to send it in to show me and the other staff, please do! I would love to see what you have been working on.
Keep up all your fabulous work but most importantly stay safe and have fun!
Miss Birch
Week Beginning 20.04.20
Week Beginning 13.04.20
Hi Year 2!
I hope you are enjoying your Easter holidays and another week of beautiful weather. This week I have really enjoyed doing some baking. I have made a Victoria Sponge, Lemon Drizzle and an Easter Millionaire Shortbread. They were delicious! I hope you have all had another good week and have been making the most of the sunshine but still staying safe at home.
I have checked to see who has completed the online tasks I have set and I just wanted to say a big well done to the following children;
Tulula for completing 79 minutes on Lexia and achieving her Level 2 certificate
and Corey, Elias, Charlie and Eveie for completing 2 or more sessions each day!
There has been a low number of children logging in to Times Table Rock Stars, please make sure you are completing your sessions regularly.
Please make sure you are completing the tasks that are set but also enjoy your time at home with family. Have fun, stay safe and we will hopefully see you soon.
Miss Birch
My Easter Millionaire Shortbread - Hope you all enjoyed last weeks activity too!

Week Beginning 13.04.20
Week Beginning 6.04.20
Hi Year 2!
It's officially the Easter holidays! Yay! So I hope you get some chocolate to eat this week as I certainly will. I hope you are all well and are staying safe. This week I have been doing a bit of spring cleaning and gardening. I hope you have all had a good week too. I am missing seeing your lovely faces each day so please send pictures or work in as I would love to see what you have been doing.
I have checked to see who has completed the online tasks I have set and there is an improvement from last week. Please keep completing the tasks as I am keeping track!
I just wanted to say a big well done to the following children;
Una-Rae, Eveie, Corey and Jessika - for their work on diagnostic questions
Amelia (55 minutes) Tulula (80 minutes) and Tiahna (an amazing 175 minutes) on Lexia
And Harley, Elias, Zach, Tulula, Jessika, Theo, Charlie, Eveie and Corey for doing their Times Tables Rock Stars regularly! (2 sessions each day)
Well done for everyone else who has logged in this week or have completed other tasks
This week there are no diagnostic questions set but a Maths and English task that link together (see the documents below for all the details). I hope you enjoy this activity and I will also be doing my own version. I am very excited and hope you are too!
Have a fabulous Easter week, don't eat too much chocolate. Most importantly have fun, stay safe and we will see you soon.
Miss Birch
Week Beginning 06.04.20
Week Beginning 30.03.20
Hello Year 2!
I hope you are all well and are staying safe. This week I have been reading lots in the lovely sunshine that we have had. I hope you have all had a good week, I have missed you all lots. Please send pictures or work as I would love to see what you have been doing.
I have been keeping an eye on who has been completing the online tasks I have set. Unfortunately not very many of you have been completing these, I hope that this is because you have been enjoying the sunshine in your garden too!
Next week it would fantastic to see more of you completing your online tasks (Times Tables Rock Stars, Diagnostic Questions and for some of you, Lexia) if you can, I am keeping track!
I just wanted to say a big well done to the following children;
Elias, Una-Rae, Eveie, Charlie, Theo and Corey - for their work on diagnostic questions
Amelia- for completing 42 minutes on Lexia
And Jessika, Courtney, Charlotte, Tulula, Elias, Eveie and Charlie for doing their Times Tables Rock Stars regularly!
Well done for everyone else who has logged in this week - I know who you are!
We wanted to show you a YouTube channel where we can watch daily speed sound lessons to make sure we are still making fantastic progress with our phonics.
Try to watch these daily if you can - focus on set 2 and then set 3.
White Rose Maths are also doing videos to support maths lessons with questions that you can have a go at afterwards. Try these when you get chance, they are very good.
Most importantly have fun, stay safe and we will see you soon.
Miss Birch
Week Beginning 30.03.20
Week Beginning 23.03.20
Miss Birch and Mrs Cox
Welcome to Year 2's page. Here we will keep you updated on what has been going on in Year 2 over the year. At the bottom of this page you will find documents and links that you may find handy to use with your child.
General information
Indoor PE kit consists of blue shorts, a yellow t-shirt and black pumps. For Outdoor PE lessons children will need a kit that will keep them sufficiently warm and dry so a tracksuit, trainers, clean socks and a lightweight waterproof jacket would be ideal.
PE kits should be in school every day but the days we have our lessons are:
Indoor PE: Wednesday
Outdoor PE: Tuesday
Children are set 5 sessions on Rock Star Times Tables to complete. This is alongside the expectation that children will read at home at least four times per week (with a comment written into their reading diaries). Homework should be completed within 6 days. Each child will be given spellings on a specific day and will be expected to be tested 1 week from that date.
A great website for times table and related division practice: