Year 1
Hello and welcome to year 1’s class page! Here we will keep you updated with all of our amazing learning over the year. At the bottom of this page you will find documents and links that you may find useful to support your child’s learning at home.
Our P.E lessons will take place on a Thursday during the Spring term. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather. Our school P.E kit consists of a white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps. Children are allowed to wear jogging bottoms, a jacket and trainers for outdoor P.E lessons. Hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn.
Weekly Home Learning Expectations
Children are expected to:
Read at least 4 times per week – this should be recorded in their reading diary to enable them to earn points. They can read their phonics ebooks on Oxford Owl. Please record this in your child's Reading Diary. Any other reading from free choice books should also be recorded. Reading Diaries will be checked on Fridays.
Complete 15 minutes on Numbots/Times Table Rocks Stars app. They should complete sessions set by their teacher weekly.
All logins can be found in the front of your child's Reading Record. We appreciate all of your support with homework, please help your child complete as much as possible to help them earn lots of DoJo points!
Children can order tuck for morning break. Each item costs 53p. We offer:
- American style pancakes
- Milkshake (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla)
- Juice (Orange, Forest Fruits or Apple)
Tuck cannot be ordered if the child has no money with them.
Children are responsible for looking after their own belongings. Please make sure your child’s name is on all of their belongings clearly to avoid confusion and the mix up of items. Thank you.
Our learning in Spring 1:
What does a typical week look like in Year 1?
Remote Learning Arrangements
Class teachers will contact you to share the remote learning arrangements and expectations via text which will direct you to the class page on the school website. Class teachers will also share a timetable of learning – this will consist of a maths lesson, a phonics/writing lesson and one other subject lesson per day.