Reception 2020-2021
I hope that you all have a lovely summer holiday and I look forward to welcoming you all back in September. Here are a few photos of what reception class looks like now. Have a great break!
Mrs Perry and Mrs Mason
Friday 10th July 2020 Ahoy there shipmates!
So, today was our last zoom learning session . We revised our number rhymes (link below if you need to refer to them). Then we reminded ourselves of how to use our 'finger doubles' to double numbers up to 5. We then played a game with a robot to make doubles and spot numbers that were not doubles.
I have attached a 'pirate doubles' worksheet for you to try out - remember to use your finger doubles if you get stuck.
If you would like activities and ideas for next week please use the links below.
Thank you to all those who have joined me over the last half term and to parents for supporting your children. Take care and have a great summer.
Mrs Teale x
Pirate Activities - Arr!
Wednesday 8th July 2020 A great big well done to Harry and Milan for their hard work in creating pirate treasure maps, and take a look at Harry below - he's all ready for pirate learning! Today is phonics day and we revised another special friend - 'nk'.
We then talked about writing a message in a bottle. We thought about what we would write in our message - perhaps you would be asking for help to be rescued from a desert island? So your challenge for today is to find some scrap paper (because if you were stranded on a desert island that's all you'd be able to find) and write a message on it. Then find an empty bottle and put your message into it! We'll share them on Friday - I can't wait to hear what you wrote.
So, shiver me timbers, I'll see you all on Friday at 11.00 - don't be late or I might have to make you walk the plank!
Take care
Mrs Teale x
Captain Harry! Arr
Monday 6th July 2020
It's time to be pirates Arrr! This week we are learning about pirates and we started by sharing our book 'Pirate Pete'. In this book you have to choose props to complete each part of the story - so the story can be different every time you read it! (Me hearties!)
We looked at a treasure map (because pirates love to hide their treasure) and we thought about all the landmarks and other things a pirate might have on their map. For example, a shark, mermaid, mountains, volcano or even a swamp with crocodiles! I set you a challenge - Can you make your own pirate map and decide where you are going to hide your treasure - I can't wait to see what ideas you have - don't forget to bring it with you on Wednesday.
Have fun and I'll see you at 11.00 on Wednesday.
As always, take care
Mrs Teale x
Friday 3rd July 2020 Hello - today we are a new 3D shape. A cylinder. A cylinder has 3 faces, no vertices, 2 flat faces and 1 curved face. Cylinders come in all sizes. Can you think of items you already know that are this shape? Have a look around - what can you see that is a cylinder?
Now that you know lots of 2D and 3D shapes I have a challenge for you. Can you make up a game that uses shapes? It could be a board game or a big game outside. If you are stuck for ideas try 'googling' for ideas, or how about dominoes or snakes and ladders? If you want to invent an outside game perhaps you could use shapes to balance on to play 'sharks'. I can't wait to hear about and see your ideas on Monday.
On Wednesday we learnt about lots of different landmarks around the world. We thought about which we would like to visit and which we liked the look of. Check out the attached clip to see these. Have you visited any of them? Do you know anything about them? I then set you a task to design and make your own landmark. What will it look like? What will you make it out of? We talked about maybe lego, playdoh or sand or even mud!! Be creative - go wild! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Next week we are going to be pirates (Arr). So have a great week-end, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you on Monday at 11.00.
Mrs Teale x
Thank you to those who attended our end of year celebration assembly today - Thursday 2nd July 2020

Monday 29th June
Hello, hope you all had a good week-end and managed to keep dry! Welcome to a new week of learning. This week we are continuing our topic 'Are we there yet?' We watched a clip all about different 'landmarks' around the world and thought about where we would like to go to.
We then shared our book of the week - 'The 100 decker bus'. We really enjoyed seeing it's journey and all the different layers that were added on it's travels. Please enjoy sharing this each day, you can find it on you tube.
I set you a challenge - to design your own bus with layers. What will you have? I think I would have a pool, a cafe, a beach and of course, a chocolate shop! You can use any size paper and make it as colourful as you like! I can't wait to see these on Wednesday.
Have a great couple of days and I look forward to seeing you at 11.00 on Wednesday.
Take Care
Mrs Teale x
Friday 26th June Today we have reminded ourselves how to write the numbers 7,8 and 9 using our rhymes. We then continued with learning 3D shapes. We looked at the two we have learnt already - cube and cuboid and talked about what we know about them. Then we learnt all about a new shape, a sphere - we noticed this was like a ball and it only had one face and no vertices (corners).
I set you a challenge for the weekend - go on a 3D shape hunt (you can do this anywhere - especially if you go out somewhere). Use the sheet below to record all the shapes you find. Which shape did you find more of? Why do you think this is?
We then learnt a new sound - qu - you were clever with your 'fred talk' - well done!
As we are thinking about trains this week (using our story - Pete the Cat's train trip) I thought you might like to think about what you might see if you were on a train and you looked out of the window. Where would you be? Can you see houses, people, animals, the sea, a town - what else? Draw a picture of what you can see and then write about it I have attached a sheet for this below.
Have a great weekend, stay safe and I'll see you on Monday at 11.00
Mrs Teale x
Harry chose to be a bus driver - inspired by our story of the week!
Monday 22nd June Hello and welcome to another week of virtual/home learning. This week we are learning about vehicles that travel along the ground - how many can you name?
We shared our book - Pete the Cat's train trip (available to watch on You Tube). Have you been on a train? Pete went on a long journey to see his Grandma and he loved being on a train - find out what he experienced on his journey.
I set you a challenge - to design and build a vehicle that travels on the ground for at least 1 metre. You will need to think about what materials you will need that will best fit your needs, and of course, test it out!
Please do send me any photos of your work to - so that we can share them with our class. Well done to Milan and Harry who had found cuboids on their 3D shape hunt
Remember I am not in school on Wednesday - so I will see you again on Friday at 11.00, please bring your busy book and pencil. Have a good week and stay safe.
Mrs Teale x
Friday 19th June
Happy end of the week to everyone! Thank you to Milan, Harry and Abbie who made today's session so much fun and for all your hard work Today we reminded ourselves how to write (with the correct formation) the numbers 4, 5 and 6. We then talked about solid shapes (3D) and how you can pick them up (not like flat 2D shapes). We shared what we know about a cube and then we pretended to stretch it until we had a new shape - a cuboid. You noticed that it was made up from rectangles and squares. Harry showed us some cuboids that he already had with him. You were great at telling me what you know about these 3D shapes - we reminded ourselves that corners are called vertices when we talk about 3D (solid) shapes.
I set you a challenge - to look around the house and see what you can find that is a cuboid - I look forward to seeing these on Monday.
I have also attached 'net's' of our 3D shapes which you can cut and fold to make a cube and cuboid - have fun and again, I look forward to seeing these on Monday.
Have a good weekend, stay safe and if you are celebrating Father's Day have a lovely time.
Mrs Teale x
Wedneday 17th June
So, this morning we enjoyed a phonics session. We learnt the sound 'ch' - how to read it in words and how to write it. Well done to Abbie, Riley and Milan for doing a great job!
I set a challenge for you to write a sentence (or more) about an airplane - there is a link below for you to print off the picture and writing lines. Can you write about what you can see. Talk about it first, think of the sentence you are going to write then remember it will need to start with a Capital Letter, have finger spaces between the words and finish with a full stop. I look forward to seeing your work on Friday.
We reminded ourselves of our book of the week - Amelia and thought about how she was an amazing lady who had a big dream. Milan showed us her airplane that she had made and she tested it to see if it passed our 3 second challenge - It did!! Fantastic job Milan.
I look forward to see you all on Friday at 11.00 for some maths fun - don't forget to look out for cubes (Well done Abbie who not only found a cube but decorated it too! ).
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Teale x
Airplane Picture and lines for writing
Harry making his plane for the challenge
Monday 15th June
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new week of learning 'virtually'. A big well done to Milan who found a cube that was also made up from lots of smaller cubes and drew her cube too
This week we are learning all about things that fly - can you think of anything that flies? How many did you come up with?
Our book of the week is Amelia Earhart - Little People Big Dreams. It's all about a lady from a long time ago who has big dreams. She learns to fly an airplane and becomes the first woman to fly around the World all on her own - what a huge achievement! You can find this book on You Tube - please share it each day so that you become really familiar with it.
I then set you a challenge - can you design something that flies for 3 seconds. Think about what materials you will need - how will you join them? Don't forget to test your 'thing' and have it with you on Wednesday when we get together.
Have fun with your challenge, and I look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday at 11.00 am - don't forget your busy book and pencil also.
Take care
Mrs Teale x
Some more of our learning in Reception Class
Friday 12th June Hi everyone! Today we shared our postcards - Abbie and Harry, well done for telling us all about your journey.
We started our maths session today with practicing our number rhymes for 0,1,2 and 3. We then learnt what 3D shapes are. These are solid shapes that you can pick up, not the flat shapes that we can draw on paper (those are 2D shapes). We looked at a cube and learnt that this has 6 faces and that the pointy corners are called vertices. Can you look around your house (or outside) and see if you can find any cubes? If you can find any please bring them with you on Monday to share.
I am also attaching an activity for sorting 3D shapes. Next week we will be learning about more 3D shapes too!
It was so lovely to see you all this week and I am looking forward to our adventures next week! Have a great weekend, take care and I'll see you on Monday at 11.00 am.
Mrs Teale x
Wednesday 10th June
It was lovely to see you all again this morning - and your fabulous boats. I could see you thought really hard about what materials to use to make sure they passed the challenge, A huge well done everyone.
So today we shared a phonics lesson and ended it with writing a short sentence together. Well done to those of you who remembered finger spaces. (Parents - some children were juggling books on their laps, would you be able to find a table or side for them to lean on please for when we do and work in their busy books. Thank you.)
I set you a task of writing a postcard. I would like you to have a try at writing your own postcard please. Postcards are what we send to family or friends when we are away on holiday. Imagine you have gone on a journey and are staying away from home (anywhere you like). On one side draw and colour a picture of where you are and on the other write a short message. Don't forget to put your address on this side too. I look forward to seeing them on Friday (or if you would like to send me photos of them that would be great also -
Don't forget to keep reading our book of the week 'The Journey' so that the children can help me read it on Friday. You will need your busy book and pencil and I will see you at 11.00 am. Look forward to seeing you
Mrs Teale x
Postcard template
Harry writing his post card - well done for using your finger space!
Harry's boat ready for tomorrow!
Monday 8th June
Hello there and welcome to another new week. It was great to see lots of you at our first virtual session this morning!! I must admit I was rather nervous - as you all know technology is not my 'thing' , but after we sorted out the chat button and mute sound button , everyone could hear - which is always a bonus! I can't wait to see you again on Wednesday at 11.00 am. You will need your busy book and a pencil, and of course, your boats to show each other. Don't forget to test them out so you can tell us if they met our 5 second floating challenge.
If you weren't able to join us this morning and it's due to a technical problem, please contact school and we will be happy to help you.
So, this week we are starting our new topic 'Are we there yet?'
in particular, the different journeys we can take. We shared our book of the week 'The Journey' by Neil Griffiths and Scott Mann. This was about a boat that took a long journey through lots of different settings. This book is available on You Tube and I would love you to share this every day and become really familiar with it so that you can join in reading it on Friday.
During our session I set you a challenge - to build a boat that will float for 5 seconds. You need to think about the type of materials you will need that will be 'fit for purpose'. We will test these out on Wednesday during our virtual session. I can't wait to see what you make.
First week back in school - June 2020
Monday 1st June 2020
Hello and welcome to a new term. How was your half term week? What fabulous weather we had, we hope you made the most of it and got outside -the lovely fresh air and sunshine really helps to lift your spirits.
This morning we have welcomed back into school some of our Reception children. They will be enjoying an 'immersion week' planned around the movie 'Inside Out'. So that all our class can be following the same learning if you are at home we would like you to try out the tasks and activities below.
Firstly, watch the full film (or trailer) which can be found on You Tube.
Activity:-Go outside with some paper and a pencil. Look around you and draw all the things that you can see that make you happy. Label them - use your phonic knowledge. Then talk to a grown up and tell them why they make you happy. For example: I would draw the sun because I love to feel its warmth on my face, that makes me happy.
Activity:- Maths: Use your body numbers to count and find two numbers which make 10. How fast can you find those number bonds? Then have a go at the attached 'Monster adding' sheet. If you need objects to help you count choose items from around the house ie: lego bricks or stones in the garden. Or, you could use our bar modelling method.
Phonics Information
Please find below information about phonics lessons on Ruth Miskin YouTube channel.
If you have any problems, please email us:
All films will be released at 9.30am from Monday to Friday.
Each film is approximately ten to fifteen minutes long and will be available on YouTube for 24 hours.
Set 1, 2 and 3 Speed Sounds lessons will restart on 1st June 2020.
Set 2 and 3 Speed Sounds lessons will include new words for reading and spelling.
New daily films:
- Read longer words: for children who can read Set 3 sounds and words confidently.
- Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Reception.
- Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Y1.
- Read and Hold a Sentence 1 (from 15th June): reading and writing practice for children reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children reading and writing with Set 1 sounds confidently and learning Set 2 sounds.)
- Read and Hold a Sentence 2 (from 15th June): reading and writing practice for children reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children reading and writing words with Set 2 sounds confidently and learning Set 3 sounds.)
All films will be in separate categories on the YouTube channel.
Monday 18.5.20
Hello - are you ready for another fun week of 'home learning'? More about that in a moment, firstly, what did you get up to at the weekend now that we are able to travel a bit more freely? We took our bikes to a very pretty valley and cycled for 18 miles! Thankfully most of it was flat. How did you get on with last week's activities - I'd love to hear from more of you, please send me any photos you might have or messages to
So, this week we are going to be learning all about our homes and their design - Do you think you could design a house for you and your family? The boy in our story this week has got a wild imagination - take a look at our story:-
If I Build a House by Chris Van Dusen
Remember to share the story a few times together first so that you know it really well before starting the activities. Then talk about what kind of house you would like if you could design anything you wanted. Think about which rooms you would have, what would be in them? Here are some helpful words and a picture to use as a 'talking point':-
Towards the end of the clip they go on to count in 'steps' I've attached a picture of this that you could create. It is really important that your child can 'see' how many each number is worth, especially when you are dealing with the bigger numbers. Try finding objects around the house (or outside) to line up and count with, you could then match (write) the number to these.
Another great way of learning about numbers to 20 is to play games with 'tens frames'. We use these in class every day so your child should be familiar with them. Again, find objects around the house (or outside) and use the tens frames to arrange the objects - one object in one square. You can then use these for asking lots of questions, so that your child has an opportunity to think and reason and explain their ideas. For example:-
You could ask:-
How many do we have?
Can you make the number that is 1 more or 1 less?
What number comes next/before/after that?
How many more do we need before we have 10 (or 20 if you are using 2 fames)
So if I have 8 and 2 that makes?... (This reinforces the work you have already done with number bonds - body counting)
You could have too many objects - then ask your child what should we do?
(Answer - take away)
Here are a couple of other fun games which will help you child reason and talk about their thinking (very important skills in understanding number order and value)
Have you tried the Jo Wicks PE sessions? I've been hearing all about him for weeks and thought I'd give it a go, I'm exhausted! But I'm full of energy - why don't you give him a try together?
Finally - how do you fancy learning two new songs? These were both favourites of my children (when they were smaller). There are actions that go alongside them but why don't you try making your own up? I'd love to see a clip of you singing or playing along to the songs.
Have a great week, enjoy the sunshine and look after each other.
Mrs Teale x
Niamh's learning this week

Monday 11th May 2020
Welcome to a new week of 'home learning'. I hope you all enjoyed the long week-end and any celebrations you might have had? We held a 'socially distanced street party' and all our neighbours joined in with an afternoon tea, lots of decorations and 1940's music. I even made my own bunting (because I'd left it too late to get any from Amazon!).
This week we are going to have some fun and learning based around the story:- Hansel and Gretel - please share the story and become familiar with it (you might like to read it a few times together before starting the activities). This is available on
You Tube - Hansel and Gretel #ReadAlong Storybook Video For Kids
Ages 2-7
Then try out the activities in the following lesson. These will help with phonics, build vocabulary and involve you in designing your own sweet! When you have completed the lesson I have also provided a link for you to print off a template design sheet.
How are you doing with your butterfly hunting? I am finding it quite tricky as they are very fast and don't like to hang around for a photo - but I'm going to keep trying! Don't forget to send me any photos you get along with the name, once you've identified it.
I can't wait to see all your learning, fun and games this week - so keep busy, keep safe and keep looking after each other.
Mrs Teale x
Angel's sweet design and counting fun

Bank Holiday week-end
Have a great long week-end this bank holiday. If you are joining in with the VE Day anniversary celebrations I hope you have a great time - remember to stay safe and look after each other. Don't forget to send me photos of all your fun!
'We'll meet again' on Monday 11th!
Niamh's butterfly challenge - can you name the butterfly in Niamh's garden?

Monday 4th May 2020
Hello and welcome to a new week of fun activities to share at home. Hopefully the sun is going to come back this week so that we can enjoy exercising outside and going for walks. So far we have spotted lots of different birds between us (have a look at the list below) so I thought it's time for a new 'spotting' challenge. On my walks last week I noticed lots of butterflies - so can we all get butterfly spotting please - send in any photos you can take and use the attached link to identify them:
Did you know that a butterfly is symmetrical? This means it has exactly the same pattern on both wings. A great activity to try out is:
* fold a piece of paper in half
* paint half of a butterfly on one half
* fold it over and smooth it over
* open it out - like magic a butterfly!
Do you like the idea of treasure and maps? This next activity uses the story
'Little Red Riding Hood' - click on the link below to hear the story. During the story the teacher will ask you to pause and find items, or carry out tasks (parents these range from easy to more tricky). You will learn how to draw a treasure map and also how to use 'prepositions' and 'direction' words. There is a quiz at the end too! Have lots of fun but please don't send your work to their twitter account - send it to us at
How well do you know your days of the week?
* Can you order them?
* Can you say what day it is today, tomorrow, yesterday?
* Can you say the name of the day that is after Friday?
* What day is your birthday on this year?
* How many days are in one week/a fortnight?
* How many days make up the week-end?
* How many days make up a school/working week?
The 'lesson' below will help you to learn about days of the week and then looks at ordering your day. This will involve you learning/using some new vocabulary -
eg: next, before, after, then, following that etc.. When you have watched this lesson try out the sequencing activity that I have attached. I can't wait to see your finished work.
Reading/Spelling - Looking for an idea to make learning how to spell and read words great fun? - try out the 'twister' game I've attached - you can make this as easy or tricky as you need to - fun for all the family!
Have a great week - I'm off butterfly where did I put my binoculars?
Mrs Teale x
Niamh has been busy reading and spelling
I went out yesterday but I couldn't capture any buterflies - but I did see these....

Charlie had fun measuring - and more!

Monday 27.4.20
Good morning and welcome to another week of 'home schooling'. This week we have got a fantastic adventure for you to go on which will involve you in learning all about Max and his amazing adventure. You will get to share lots of fun whilst reading his story, answering comprehension questions, play a rhyming game, doing lots of interesting things with sticks - including weaving and much more! Download the pack below and let your journey begin.
As well as this I have attached some maths worksheets for length - perhaps you could collect sticks first and order them for length - it doesn't have to be sticks - you can measure and compare most items that you have already at home - I'd love to see your ingenious ideas - don't forget to send me your pictures so that we can share them.
Do you like to play video games? I think I know the answer to this!! - I have attached this weeks' class assembly which is all about video games - and more. Parents - you can use the slides to talk about mutual respect, gaming and more then try out the board games and physical games also - have fun.
Also, our class list for the birds that we have spotted (further down the page) is growing all the time - keep sending in your bird names for me to add to it.
How are your number bonds coming along? Have you managed to get really fast with being able to recall them? Don't forget to use the clips (below) if you need some help.
Finally, do keep in touch to let me know what you are getting up to inside and outside I love to see all your fun and games. Take care and be kind to each other
Mrs Teale x
Angel's work on length
Monday 20.4.20
Hello and welcome to a sunny new week of learning. This week we have got a fabulous project for you to complete - Mavis the magical cat. This will take you on a journey involving: using your imagination in role play, reading, planning and writing a story, poetry and much more. I think you will have lots of fun and I can't wait to see your ideas!
Another project you might like to try is our whole school Geography project - This is something that everyone can get involved in no matter what age - there is lots of fun to be had learning about the world around you - we had started looking at this in class, so this will remind you and then take you further - do as much as you can and have fun!
As well this - don't forget to use the clips to help you learn your body numbers - I'd love to see what you can do - can you send me photos or video links please?
Finally - the sun is shining - so make the most of getting outside - has anyone tried the 'obstacle course' challenge? AND - don't forget to let me know about all the birds you spot so I can add them to our class list - it's growing!
Have fun and be kind to each other.
Mrs Teale x
Link to Phonics Lessons
This link now includes Phonics and spelling lessons. Please check the link for times of lessons and videos. There will also be a story time at 2.00pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday - check it out!
If you need any help with your child's reading, spelling and writing please see the 'frequently asked questions' document below.
Angel's creative fun!

Megan's paper rose picture
Charlie's learning this week
Niamh had a busy week and lots of fun!
Abbie-Angel has been having fun learning with her brother.
Week beginning Tuesday 14th April 2020
Hello and welcome to the second week of the Easter holidays. I hope you have been making the most of the hot sunny weather in your garden or whilst out for a walk.
This week I have chosen a theme which will involve you in exploring materials and looking at 'the past' to compare now and then.
Our book for the week is 'The Old Toy Room' - the e-book is available on Twinkl. Please read this a few times and get to know it well. Then you can begin to have a go at the following activities:-
Writing - Choose a toy and write a 'fact file' about it - use the writing frame available to print off.
Understanding of the World
Materials - choose a toy (ie: lego) find our what it is made from - why is it made from this material? Could it be made from a different material? You might like to try this out! (Have fun) Do this for a few different toys.
History (Now and then) - Choose and research a toy (it: I -Pad) find out:- did your parent(s) have this toy when they were young? Did they have something similar? How has it changed? What else can you find out?
Creative - Have a go at making your own toys with junk and bits and bobs you may have around the house - don't forget to send me your photos.
Maths - Number bonds to 10
Watch the following clips that will help you learn your number bonds to 10 then have a go at the attached worksheets.
School Closure
If you need to contact us about any of the work your child has been set or if you would like to share photos of the activities you have been doing or if you've found anything you think everyone else might find interesting, please email us:
Week Beginning Monday 6th April
Good morning and welcome to the first week of the Easter holidays. In school we would have been learning all about Easter, so, I have put together some activities for you to share at home for the theme of 'Easter'. Please remember to send in your learning, photos, pictures etc... so that we can share them with the class. Enjoy..
Reading - share The Easter Story and We're going on an Egg Hunt (read these daily and discuss: Characters, Settings, messages, rhyming words, and ask each other questions about what you have learnt etc.)
Word Work - use the phrase 'Easter Time' to make as many words as you can (eg: star, me, mat) how many can you make?
Creative - make a mini Easter garden (use a mixture of media)
Make an Easter card - try using different media here too
Technology - Have a go at this ICT project and have some fun together!
(See the PDF link below)
Maths Easter Egg Hunt - make your own egg hunt - this could be using numbers 1-20, just the odd or even numbers, problem solving (ie: I have 2 eggs and 4 bunnies - how many altogether?, or, Tom has 7 eggs but he ate 4, how many left? etc..)
Have a great Easter week and wee-end and look out here next week for new activities. Take care and be kind with each other.
Mrs Teale
Hello Friday! (3.4.20)
The week-end lies ahead and it looks like it's going to be a bit warmer - yeh! Don't forget to go bird spotting and let me know what you find.
Fancy a sing-a-long? You could join in with a virtual choir - it might be something you'd like to do with the family.
On Sunday afternoon there's going to be a Harry Potter family quiz - if you fancy joining in just message me and i'll let you have details!
Have a good week-end and look here on Monday for some Easter treats!
Mrs Teale x
Welcome to Thursday (2.4.20)
Finally, the sun looks like it might be coming back! Why don't you try and get outside for longer today - you could help to tidy the garden, plant some seeds or make up an obstacle course - this could include some:- jumping, sliding, hopping, twirling, slithering, swinging - what else could you include?
Inside you could try out 'Cosmic yoga' - there are many different themes to try eg: Frozen, Harry Potter and more
If you have internet access and are able to print off work 'twinkl' is now available for parents to access free of charge and has work available for every area of learning including maths, writing, topic and more. If you don't have access to the internet try keeping a diary for a week, note down everything you do during the day.
Finally, a great site to look at is 'kids activities blog' - check out the screen free activities, there's loads of fun to be had ie: balloon car racing, sock mopping or paper plate roses!
Have lots of fun and keep messaging me to tell me what you have been up to
Mrs Teale x
Hello from Mrs Teale (30.3.20)
I do hope you are all staying safe and managing to organise your days with plenty of work, rest and play? In our house we have both my husband and myself working from home, my daughter home from University and my son home from college - so our internet is working flat out!
As part of my day I am currently enjoying doing a 1000 piece jig-saw and baking - I've included a recipe for 'Rainbow cupcakes' which you might like to try (if you don't have food colouring they can be made plain - just as tasty!). I've also noticed there are a lot more birds around throughout the day and I'm ashamed to say I don't know the different bird songs - so I thought I'd learn to identify them and have found a great site to help me do this - I've attached this below so you can join me. Please make a list of all the birds you identify.
Finally, Wednesday is April Fool's Day so I'm going to have some fun playing jokes on all the family as we're at home together - let me know what you come up with!
I'd love to hear what you are getting up to,
Take care, and look after each other.... Mrs Teale
Name of Bird | Spotted By |
Robin Magpie Pigeon Blue Tit Great Tit Wren Chaffinch Song Thrush? |
Charlie Yates |
Blackbird Wood Pigeon Robin Cuckoo Woodpecker Crow Duck Geese Coot Blue Tit Swan Pheasant |
Mrs Teale
(spotted on a walk by a pond)
Magpie Robin Starling Sparrow Pigeon |
Reagan |
Working at home
Home Learning
Please find below work for your child to do at home. Some work will be in the pack sent with your child. Some will be links to activities online.
Hello Reception!
We hope you are all well and are staying safe.
We wanted to show you a YouTube channel where we can watch daily speed sound lessons to make sure we are still making fantastic progress with our phonics.
Try to watch these daily if you can - focus on set 1 and then set 2.
White Rose Maths are also doing videos to support maths lessons with questions that you can have a go at afterwards. Try these when you get chance, they are very good.
There is also a link to a fantastic blog post where you will see examples of how to structure the day and lots of ideas and activities to do along with the tasks in your home learning pack.
Most importantly have fun and be good and we will see you soon.
Welcome to Reception
Class Teacher:Mrs Teale
Teaching Assistant:Mrs Harris, Mrs Mason
Hello and welcome to Reception class page.
In Reception our learning environment is organised to enable children to source and access resources for themselves, promoting independence and responsibility.
We have a balance between adult led and child initiated activities, both through indoor and outdoor play.
The children’s interests are paramount when we are planning activities, in order to fully engage them in their learning. These interests are developed further through enhancing the resources provided within the learning areas.
PE day for the new term will be a Thursday - please ensure your child's PE kit is returned to school in time for the first session. This term we are learning about qymnastics (Spring 2).
We are excited to have launched our '1000 stories' project and some children have already collected tokens for reading 10 and 20 stories - keep up the great work! - Don't forget you can change your book with your child every day at the end of school. We are delighted that 4 children have already reached their first 50 stories! Keep up the great work.
Book Share is each Thursday at 3.00 - we love sharing your child's learning and celebrations so please make sure you can join us for the fun!
We had great fun celebrating World Book Day on 7.3.20:-
Star of the Week
7.3.20 Olivia Anderson - for being so independent in her work
Stars of the Term - Spring 1
Harley Taylor - for her fabulous attitude - she has such a positive attitude towards life
Olivia Anderson - for being such a great organiser and being so helpful and thoughtful towards others and their needs
Mathematician of the half term
Blake Steemson - for being so committed to his maths learning - and being so quick!
Writer of the half term
Lacie Lawley - who is now writing sentences independently which can be read by herself and others
Handwriter of the half term
Megan Ingram for having the most improved Handwriting
What we have been learning
Tuesday 24th February - Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday)
Mrs Walker showed us how to make pancakes and flip them. We then got to taste them with lemon and sugar - mmm delicious!
6th February - Dance Enrichment
We had great fun learning lots of moves from our visitor - we learned to move like different animals, how to follow a rhythm and how to stretch to 'cool down'
Topic - What Happens when we go to sleep? (January)
We have been learning all about keeping healthy routines at bedtime and nocturnal and diurnal animals through stories and play. In PE we have been learning different dances - Scottish country dancing, line dancing and Chinese dragon dancing! In Maths we have learnt about money, pattern and addition through our play and in skills sessions. In English we have been writing about our dreams, making lists and writing menus.
Topic - Christmas
Reception have been very busy preparing for Christmas. We have enjoyed performing our Nativity with Nursery and this has helped us learn all about the real story of Christmas.
We have also been making Christmas crafts, had a fantastic time at the pantomime, Mother Goose and the Forest Arts Centre, ("Oh no we haven't!!"), enjoyed a great Christmas party with games, food and a visit from Santa and if that wasn't enough enjoyed a tasty Christmas dinner! Wow - we are really ready for a break now!
Topic: Why do Squirrels hide their nuts?
We have been enjoying lots of different tasks to help us learn about the seasons. We have explored which clothes are suitable for each and the types of weather that we should expect in each season.
We have also enjoyed learning about Divali - dressing up and learning new dance moves.
In maths we have been exploring 'more and fewer' as well as continuing to secure our knowledge of numbers to 10/20.
In phonics we are now in 3 groups and are continuing to learn new sounds daily and revise those we already know. Some of us are beginning to read words and some are beginning to read simple sentences!
The Nativity - December 2019
Autumn Walk to Chasewater - Tuesday 5th November
To launch our new topic 'Why do Squirrels hide their nuts?' we went for a walk to Chasewater to look for signs of Autumn. We found lots of these, take a look:-
Space Day - 10.10.19
To celebrate Space week we devoted a whole day to having fun and learning about many aspects of 'Space'. We:- estimated and counted space rocks, designed our own space rockets, worked as a team to build a giant space rocket, created our own constellations using q-tips, sang space songs, listened to Julia Donaldson's new book 'The Smeds and the Smoos' and took part in space yoga! What a lot of fun we had, take a look....
Phonic Information
At Brownhills West Primary school, your child takes part in daily phonics sessions to help develop their speaking and listening, reading and writing skills. They are taught using RWI (Read Write Inc). This is a comprehensive literacy program that aims to get children reading and writing really quickly. The program enables children to develop skills in reading, writing, spoken language, vocabulary, grammar and spelling in a fully integrated way. This will raise standards in children's literacy and spark a lifelong love of reading.
Ruth Miskin Parents’ Page:
Ruth Miskin Facebook:
Free e-books for home reading:
Please find below some online phonics games you may like to play with your children.
Helping your child
We believe that parents play an important role in being involved in their child's education. Within this page you will find lots of important information about how we teach phonics, writing and maths. There are also some very useful links to games and attachments with activities to support your child in their learning of phonics and maths.
There are some lovely ideas on this latest link from the DFE for your 'Hungry Little Minds'
Effective Learner
In our Early Years unit we are always observing ways in which children learn. There are 3 characteristics of effective learning which help us focus and understand how children learn.
We have a 'child friendly' theme of dinosaurs to celebrate their achievements, these include:- Stickasaurus, Thinkasaurus and Explorasaurus. When a child shows a characteristic they receive a character (badge) to represent that characteristic and to celebrate their learning, plus their picture is displayed with that characteristic. (see attachment)
WOW Moments
Throughout the year, we will be compiling a Learning Journey showing your child's comments, photos and work from both school and home. The wow cards are a way for you to record those moments when your child says or does something that makes you think 'wow'! The wow cards or work can then be shared with the rest of the class before being placed in your child's Learning Journey.
Maths Challenges
The maths challenges are short activity ideas that can fit into your day and will help your child see math’s as fun as well as further supporting their learning from school. Each activity will relate to the different aspects of the area of learning called ‘mathematics.’
You can repeat each activity as many times as your child wants to. Feel free to change the ideas to suit your child’s interests, what you have in your house and their current level of development. If your child wants to represent their thinking on paper let them do so in their own way. For example they might not want to write numbers, but they might want to draw to communicate their mathematical thinking.
Remember to keep the activities as fun as possible as we want our children to enjoy maths.
Online Maths Games
Below are some online maths games you may like to play with your child to support their mathematical learning and skills. If you find, or know of any more maths sites your child enjoys and you wish to share it with other parents, please let us know and we can add it to the list.
Thank you.