Nursery Class 2020-2021
Take a look at the following photos of how your classroom will look when you in September. Have a great summer, look after each other and we can't wait to see you soon!
Mrs Teale and Mrs Walker
School Closure
If you need to contact us about any of the work your child has been set or if you would like to share photos of the activities you have been doing or if you've found anything you think everyone else might find interesting, please email us:
Please see attached letter from Mrs Walker to all our children in Bright Beginnings and Nursery. She hopes you will join her online sessions.
We hope you are all well and that you are staying safe!
Here is a link to a fantastic blog post with lots of great ideas to keep little ones busy and learning. Have a go at some of these activities along with those in your home learning pack.
See you soon
Hello Nursery!
I hope that you are all well and that you are enjoying spending time with your family and doing some of the learning activities that I sent home.
Each week I will put some extra activities on our class page that you can try. I hope that you will have fun doing them.
I would really love to see some photos of you and the things you have created as I am missing seeing you each day and would love to know what you have been doing.
Stay safe and I hope to see you all very soon.
Mrs Perry
All of your fantastic home learning!
Phonics Information
Please find below information about phonics lessons on Ruth Miskin YouTube channel.
If you have any problems, please email us:
All films will be released at 9.30am from Monday to Friday.
Each film is approximately ten to fifteen minutes long and will be available on YouTube for 24 hours.
Set 1, 2 and 3 Speed Sounds lessons will restart on 1st June 2020.
Set 2 and 3 Speed Sounds lessons will include new words for reading and spelling.
New daily films:
- Read longer words: for children who can read Set 3 sounds and words confidently.
- Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Reception.
- Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Y1.
- Read and Hold a Sentence 1 (from 15th June): reading and writing practice for children reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children reading and writing with Set 1 sounds confidently and learning Set 2 sounds.)
- Read and Hold a Sentence 2 (from 15th June): reading and writing practice for children reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children reading and writing words with Set 2 sounds confidently and learning Set 3 sounds.)
All films will be in separate categories on the YouTube channel.
Week 17 - 13.7.2020
Hello Nursery,
I hope that you are all well.
I can't quite believe that we have reached the last week of the school year. It has been a very different year to the one that we had planned but I am so proud of you all and everything you have achieved.
I hope that you all have a fantastic summer and I really look forward to welcoming you all back into Reception in September.
Mrs Perry
Just a reminder that on Tuesday we will hold our virtual stay and play session. I will send you an invite on Monday and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at 1.30pm.
Looking forward to the summer holidays and the chance to spend time outside. Our book this week is all about some lively bunnies who just love singing, dancing and jumping around.
Listen to the story together and talk to your child about the following things:
* What animal is this story all about?
* What is the first thing that the bunnies do?
* Which part of their bodies do the bunnies shake?
* What instruments do the bunnies play?
* Who chases the bunnies?
* What does the fox do?
Draw a picture of either a bunny or a fox doing one of the activities from the story. Write underneath the picture to tell me what the fox or bunny is doing. Ask your child about their picture and what words that have written. Scribe what they say underneath.
Have a go at writing your name. Write their name on paper for them to copy or draw dashes to make the letters of their name and get them to trace over them.
Play this seaside theme counting game on the Book Trust website.
Choose some of the activities below and count how many you can do.
* Hops
* Jumps
* Star jumps
* Skips
Music and Movement
Have fun listening to this song and dancing along.
Have a go at making your own hoopla game using toilet roll tubes and some coloured crayons or paint. Give each tube a score. Who can get the highest score?
Can you design a medal for the winner?
Week 16 - 6.7.2020
Hello Nursery,
Thank you to all of the children and parents that were able to come to our assembly last week. It was so lovely to see you all. I can't believe how much you have all grown. I am really looking forward to seeing you all back in September and continuing with you on your journey through Reception.
Here is some key information that was given at both the New to Reception Zoom meeting and the assembly.
Things to bring to school
* A bag with spare uniform in case of accidents.
* PE kits in a drawstring bag - yellow t-shirt and black shorts.
* Water bottle.
* Reading folder - this will be provided by school in September.
* Any medication you may need in school (medical forms must be completed).
First week back
Wednesday 2nd September - 8.45am - 12pm - Reception children who did not attend our nursery
Thursday 3rd September - 8.45am - 12pm - Reception children who did attend our nursery.
Friday 4th September - 8.45am - 1pm - All children will attend and have lunch.
Monday 7th September - 8.45am - 3.20pm - All children will attend full time from today.
Virtual Stay and Play
There will be a virtual stay and play session on Tuesday 14th July at 1.30pm. This will be on Zoom and I will send an invite towards the end of the week.
As part of this I would like your child, if they feel comfortable doing so, to introduce themselves and say one things they like.
e.g. My name is Mrs Perry and I love giraffes.
If you have any questions regarding starting Reception in September, please do not hesitate to contact me via the closure email address at the top of the web page.
Have a lovely week!
Mrs Perry
Our Learning this week
Our learning this week is based around preparing the children for their move from nursery to reception.
Here is a story about Cody the caterpillar. Cody is worried about changing from a caterpillar into a butterfly. The other animals that he meets try to make him feel better and tell him how good the change will be. He then realises that change is exciting.
After sharing the story, talk about the following questions:
* What type of animal is Cody at the start of the story?
* Which animals did Cody meet?
* Cody met animals that could fly. What animals were they?
* How did Cody feel about changing into a butterfly?
* What animal did Cody change in to?
* How did Cody feel about changing into a butterfly?
* How do you know that Cody was happy?
Bug Hunt - count the pictures on the cards and write the total number in the box beside the picture.
Addition - add together the bug pictures. Write the total in the box after the calculation.
Both of these can still be done without printing the sheets. Count the pictures on the screen and write the numbers on paper.
Cody begins life as a caterpillar and then changes into a butterfly. Can you make a caterpillar or a butterfly or even both. There are caterpillar and butterfly design sheets below or use the photo ideas to make your own.

Here is a lovely transition booklet for you to complete with your child. This booklet provides you with some information you can share with your child plus some questions for you to ask them and some pictures for them to draw.
It would be great of you could return the booklet to me at school, before Friday 17th July, so that I can learn new things about your child that will help me when they return in September.
This booklet can be printed or, if you do not have a printer, a paper copy can be collected from school reception.
Week 15 - 29.6.2020
Hello Nursery,
I hope that you are all well. I am really looking forward our assembly on Tuesday; I can't wait to see you to celebrate our time in nursery together.
This week is Children's Art week and so our learning this week will be based around art and colour.
Our story to share this week is 'The Mixed-Up Chameleon' by Eric Carle. Watch the story together.
Listen to the story together and then talk about the following things.
* What different colours does the chameleon change to?
* What animal is white?
* Why does the chameleon grow wings?
* Which animal can see things far away?
* How many different animals does the chameleon meet?
* Does the chameleon like being lots of different animals?
* Who does the chameleon meet an the end of the story?
Draw a picture of the chameleon and one of the other animals that he meets. Talk to your adult about the pictures you have drawn. Can you write the names of the animals underneath the pictures? Draw dashed lines for your child to trace over so that they can write the names.
Use paint and experiment with colour mixing; the chart below will help you. Use the colours that you mix to create a rainbow painting. You could paint a rainbow or you could paint a number of things for each colour.
e.g. red = strawberries, tomatoes, a ladybird
green = an apple, trees, a caterpillar

Here are two rainbow science experiments that you could try with your children.
Complete the snakes by following the patterns. You can start the patterns on paper for your child to complete. You can use crayons, felts or even the paint you made for colour mixing.
Week 14 - 22.6.2020
Hello Nursery,
I hope that you have all had a lovely week despite all of the rain we have had; great for jumping in puddles though! Hopefully we will have some better weather this week so that we can get outside in the garden again.
Well done to those of you that were able to join Mrs Walker's sessions this week; I hope you enjoyed them.
Just a reminder that the new to Reception parent meeting will take place on Thursday at 5pm this week via Zoom. You will all receive an invitation email this week inviting you to join. There will be lots of information that you will need ready for September when some of your children will move to reception. There is also a Nursery parent meeting for those children who will remain in nursery in September. Again, you will receive an invite to this meeting within the next week.
I hope you will have fun with Mrs Walker this week and enjoy your learning.
Mrs Perry
Our learning this week is all about happiness and being happy. This week is World Wellbeing Week and I thought it would be lovely for nursery to join in too.
Listen to this story about one of the Mr Men - Mr Happy!
After you have listened to the story about Mr Happy, talk about the main character in the story and talk about the word miserable means. What does Mr Happy look like? Where does Mr Happy go? Who does Mr Happy meet? What is the matter with Mr Miserable? How does Mr Happy help Mr Miserable? How do you know that Mr Miserable is happy now?
Draw a picture of Mr Happy and colour him in. Write about what Mr Happy looks like. Allow your child to make marks around the picture of Mr Happy. Talk to your child about what their marks say. Write what they say underneath their marks.
Join the numbers in order to complete the picture of Mr Happy.
What different materials can you use to make Mr Happy? You could use a paper plate to make Mr Happy, play dough or even tissue paper.

Talk to your child about what makes them happy. Is it visiting a certain place that makes them happy? Is it an item that makes them happy? Does a member of their family make them happy? Maybe it is an activity that makes them happy? They may be able to tell you one thing or ten things that make them happy!
Write down what they tell you and ask them if they know why. For example, they may say that their cuddly toy makes them feel happy because it feels soft and they like to cuddle it.
Ask them to draw, paint a picture or take a photograph of whatever they have talked about and write down what your child has told you. I would really love to see your pictures of the things that make you happy.
Week 13 - 15.6.20
Hello Nursery,
I hope that you are all well and had a good week despite the cooler weather.
It was so lovely to see some of you in Mrs Walker's Zoom session this week. I am looking forward to hopefully seeing even more of you this week.
Our learning this week is based around traditional tales or fairy stories.
You may have some fairy stories that you can read together at home - The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears or Jack and the Beanstalk.
Here is another fairy story that you might want to share together; The Ugly Duckling.
Share the story and talk about the following questions.
What characters are in your story? What does your main character look like?Who are the good characters in the story? Are there any bad characters in the story? What happens to the characters? Did you enjoy the story? What was the best part of the story?
Choose the part of the story that you liked best. Can you draw that part of the story? Make sure you include the main character. Tell your grown-up all about the picture you have drawn. Can you have a go at writing the name of the character?
Use the Ugly Duckling start page and meet the ducklings fairy tale friends.
There is also a fairy story matching game that you can play.
Three Bears addition - add the pictures together by counting how many of each picture there are. Can you try to write the number?
Beanstalk patterns - finish the magic bean patterns by colouring the beans.
Three Bears ordering - order the items from the story starting with the smallest.
Cutting skills
Dress the little pigs - cut out the clothes for the little pigs and stick them on.
Can you paint or draw a picture of your favourite fairy tale character?
Have a go at making your own beanstalk picture, little pig house picture or a pig or wolf plate.

Father's Day
Next Sunday is Father's Day. Here are some ideas for cards that you could make for a person who is special to you. I am sure that they would love a card made by you.

Week 12 - 8.6.20
Hello Nursery!
I hope that you are all well and that you will all enjoy your online sessions with Mrs Walker this week.
The theme for our learning this week is: Transport.
Our story this week is called 'The Boy on the Bus' by Penny Dale.
Find the story here:
Talk about the following things with your child. What colour is the bus that the boy is driving? What is the first animal that gets on the bus? Who gets on the bus next? Which four types of animal get on the bus at the next bus stop? Which type of animal gets on last? Why do the sheep have to sit on the roof? What does the boy say every time before he drives off? What different noises do the animals make? Which is your favourite animal?
Draw the bus that the boy is driving and colour it in.
Label these parts of the bus - wheels, lights, door, window, steering wheel, mirror
Trace the patterns on these pencil control vehicles.
Speaking and Listening
Add the different vehicles to the picture by clicking the words. Talk about the vehicles, what they look like and where you might travel on each one. Which vehicle would you like to travel in? Where would you go?
Use your recycling to make a junk model vehicle. I would love to see pictures of your creations.

When you are out for a walk this week, count the number of cars of each colour that you see. Each time you see a car put a tick on the chart. When you get back count up all of your ticks. Which colour car did you see the most of? Which colour car did you see the least of?
Week 11 - 01.06.2020
Hello Nursery, I hope that you had a lovely week for half term and that you managed to get outside to enjoy the sunshine.
Our learning this week is based on the book 'Rumble in the Jungle' by Giles Andreae.
Read or listen to the book together by following the link:
Which animal was your favourite? What does your favourite animal look like?What words were used to describe your favourite animal? Were there any scary animals in the story? Did you see any funny animals in the story? Was there a new animal that you had not heard of before?
Draw a picture of your favourite animal and colour it in. Tell your adult about the animal you have drawn. Can you find the page in the story that shows your animal and copy their name? Can you tell your adult the words that you would use to describe your animal? They will write them down for you, saying each word as they write it.
Using Technology
Make a Rumble in the Jungle picture using this online resource.
Add animals to your picture. You can even choose what you would like your animal to say.
Turn your favourite animal into a mask.

Make a model or paint a picture of your favourite jungle animal.
You can use any material that you like.

Speaking and Listening
What animals can you spot? Use the game below, guess which animal you think is being shown through the binoculars. Talk about what you can see, what animal you think it is and whether you are right or wrong.
Look back at the book; count how many animals are in the book altogether.
Can you sort the animals into groups? You might sort them depending on how many legs they have or where about in the jungle they actually live.
Draw 5 different size snakes. Can you say which snake is the shortest and which snake is the longest? Can you put all 5 snakes in order from the shortest to the longest?
Week 10 - 25th May 2020
Happy half term. I hope that you have a lovely half term week with your families. Here are some fun activities that you could do together during the week. Have fun and stay safe.
Week 9 - 18th May 2020
Hello Nursery, I hope that you had a good week last week and enjoyed the home learning about 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. I would love to see some of your caterpillar creations.
This week's learning is based on: 'Elmer the Elephant' by David McKee.
Read the book together if you have it at home. If not, listen to the author, David McKee, reading the story.
Talk about the main character in the story, Elmer.
What type of animal is Elmer? What does Elmer look like? How is Elmer different from the other elephants? How does Elmer make himself grey? Is Elmer happy being grey? What happens to Elmer that makes him a colourful elephant again?
Draw a picture of Elmer the elephant and colour it in. Can you name all of the different colours on Elmer's body? Label the different colours on your picture. Write the name of the colour for your child to copy or draw dashed lines for your child to trace over.
You will need a tube or packet of Smarties for this maths activity. Empty the Smarties into a bowl. Sort the Smarties into the different colours and arrange them into a block graph just like the picture. Which colour has the most? Which colour has the least? Are there any colours that have the same amount?
Now, eat your Smarties!!
Elmer Addition
Can you add the two sets of Elmer pictures together? You might want to count the pictures or use buttons or Smarties to find out how many Elmers you have altogether.
Here are two science experiments you could try that involve colour. Create a colour spinner or grow your own rainbow.
Here are a number of craft ideas based on Elmer the elephant. Use a milk carton and some coloured paper to make your own elephant, paint your own patchwork picture or sponge print your own elephant.

Colour Hunt
Elmer the elephant is a very colourful elephant. Can you look for colours around or home or when you are out for exercise? Draw a picture or take photographs of the things that you find.
Other Activities
Here are some other activities that you could try with your child based on Elmer the Elephant.
Week 8 - 11th May 2020
Hello Nursery, I hope that you all had a good week last week and enjoyed the VE Day celebrations. I hope you enjoyed Supertato last week and I look forward to seeing some of your creations.
The theme for our learning this week is: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
Read the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' with your child or watch this animation of the story. Talk to your child about what happened in the story. What did the caterpillar eat each day? Which of the foods that the caterpillar ate do you like? Which have you not tried before? Are there any of the foods that you don't like? What happened to the caterpillar at the end of the story?
Speaking and Listening
Talk to your child about the different fruit that the caterpillar ate. Ask your child what their favourite fruits are. Can you create a list with your child? They could draw their favourite fruits and you can label them, saying the sounds that you need to spell the word.
Mark making/ Writing
The Very Hungry Caterpillar loves to eat lots of different foods. What is your favourite food? Draw a picture of your favourite food and write underneath to tell your grown-up all about your favourite food. Scribe what your child tells you under the sentence.
Fingerprint counting - can you make caterpillars of different lengths using your fingerprints? Give the caterpillar the correct number of body parts depending on the number that is written.
Maths Challenge
Can you find the missing number to complete the number sequences?
Here are some fantastic Hungry Caterpillar craft ideas for you to try this week including making a Lego caterpillar, an egg box caterpillar or even using paper plates. I look forward to seeing some of your creations.

When you are out on a walk this week, collect different types of leaves. Use the leaves that you collect to make your very own hungry caterpillar.
Week 7 - 4th May 2020
Hello Nursery, I hope that you are all well. It was lovely to speak to some of you last week; I have some phone calls to make this week too so by the end of the week I hope to have spoken to you all.
The theme for our learning this week is: Superheros
Read or listen to the book 'Supertato' with your child. Talk to your child about what happened in the story.
Who was the good character in our story? What good things did he do?
Who was the bad character in our story? What things did he do that were bad?
Supertato is the hero in our story. Can you draw your own superhero? Tell your grown-up all about the superhero you have drawn. What is your superhero called? What special power does your superhero have? Write down what your child says about the superhero they have drawn.
Have a go at two of the games on Phonics Play that aim to develop listening skills and encourage talking about the sounds they can hear.
Sound Starters
Welcome to the Zoo
Have a go at making your own Supertato or Evil Green Pea.
There are also some Supertato colouring sheets that you may want to try.

Have fun singing superhero themed songs. The words are in the documents below and the tunes are nursery rhymes that I think you will all know.
Remember to continue watching the Number Blocks videos; links to each video are in documents further down the page.
Can you count the superheros on each page? Tell your adult how many of each superhero you have counted and have a go at writing the number too.
Superheros are good at rescuing people. Play this game on Top Marks where matching the number to 10 will rescue people using the helicopter.
Have a go at this fun little experiment. Decorate your balloon like a superhero and watch them fly.
Week 6 - 27th April 2020
The theme for our learning this week is: Dinosaurs
Here are two stories for you to listen to all about dinosaurs.
Listen to both stories and tell your grown-up all about the characters in the stories and what happens to them. Which story was your favourite?
Draw a dinosaur of your own. Make it as bright and colourful as you can. Give your dinosaur a name. Can you write its name? Tell your adult about the dinosaur. Write down, on the back of the picture, what your child tells you about their dinosaur.
Here are some dinosaur pictures that you can look at to help you.

Can you make your own dinosaur? Here are examples of different dinosaur craft ideas that you could try. You could make a dinosaur using playdough, use your handprint, a paper plate or even toilet roll tubes to make a dinosaur. I look forward to seeing pictures of your dinosaur creations.

I hope you enjoyed watching the Number Blocks videos. Here are the links for the videos for numbers six to ten.
Week 5 - 20th April
I hope you have had a lovely week Nursery. This week I have spent lots of time in the garden, making the most of the nice weather.
The theme for our learning this week is: Minibeasts
When you are in your garden or go for a walk this week, look around you and see what amazing creatures you can find. You can tick off what you see on the collection sheet or you can make a collection sheet of your own.
Minibeast Craft
Here are lots of ideas for creating your own minibeasts. You can paint them, draw them, colour them, make them out of dough or even create minibeast pebbles. I would love to see some of your creations.
Minibeast Maths
Once you have been on your walk and completed your minibeast collection sheet, can you count how many of each minibeast you saw? Which minibeast did you see the most? Which minibeast did you see the least?
There is also a minibeast counting sheet you can try. Can you count the creatures and write the number?
Minibeast English
There are lots of stories that have minibeasts in them, do you have one at home? Ask your grown-up to read it with you. Which part did you like best? Who was your favourite character?
There is also a minibeast letter formation sheet and some minibeast nursery rhymes. Can you choose your favourite rhyme and learn the words? I would love to see videos of you saying the rhymes you have learnt.
Week 4 - 13th April
Happy Easter Nursery! I hope that the Easter Bunny came to visit you and bought you some Easter treats. Please send me lots of photos and updates on your learning so I can see how busy you have been.
Here are three more craft ideas for this week - using toilet roll tubes to make monsters, handprint dinosaurs and footprint rabbits.

Scissor Skills
Encourage your child to develop their cutting skills. Begin with cutting in a straight line. Model holding the scissors correctly and cutting along the dashed lines. If you are unable to print, draw dashed lines onto paper and your child can cut along them.
Choose a book to read with your child. After you have read, ask your child about the story.
For example, Which character did they like best? What was the favourite part of the book?
If you want something different to read then try downloading the Cbeebies Storytime App. Stories can be downloaded onto your tablet, read and then exchanged for another story.
We love watching Number Blocks at Nursery. Here are the links to the episodes for numbers one to five.
Easter Treats
How about making some Easter treats? Here is the recipe for making Easter nests. Enjoy!
Week 3 - 6th April
This week I have added some pictures of craft projects that you could try. I have made the penguin and painted the fork flowers at home with my daughter, they are really easy to do but look lovely. I hope you enjoy giving them a try and I look forward to seeing your creations.

Here are some links to some maths games on Top Marks Maths website. Start with numbers to 5 but then try numbers to 10 if your child is confident with their numbers.
Pencil Control
Your child should be encouraged to grip their pencil like the picture below.
Easter Cards
Can you make an Easter card for your family? It can be any design you want but here are some suggestions to get you started. I would love to see photos of your completed cards.

Welcome to Nursery!
Class Teacher: Mrs Perry
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Walker and Mrs Mason
A big hello from Nursery!
This page will give you lots of information about things we are doing in Nursery and how you can support your child in their learning.
In our Nursery we offer a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities designed to promote the cognitive, physical, emotional and social growth of its children. Children can enjoy experimenting with sand, water, paint, clay, glue, wood and many other basic materials.
They enjoy looking at books, listening to stories and learning songs and rhymes. They can dress up in the role-play area, play with a variety of toys and games and engage in food technology.
Our Nursery allows children to make decisions, take turns with each other, share the attention of the adults and establish relationships with one another.
By the end of their time in Nursery, children should be more confident, capable and ready for Reception.
Class Information
P.E will take place every Tuesday morning.
Our First Week at Nursery
Your children have had a great first week at nursery. Here are some photographs to show you exactly what they have been doing.
Our First Week
Topic One - Why do I love you so much?
As part of our topic, the children drew portraits of their families. They told us who the different people in the pictures were. They all did a fantastic job!

Topic two - Why do leaves go crispy?
As an introduction to our new topic, Nursery went on an autumn walk. We each took a bag and filled it with things that we found on the field and playground. When we got back to class, we put everything on the tables and looked at what we had collected. We talked about the different coloured leaves that we found as well as the berries and seed cases.
We are going to use the leaves to make a special woodland creature!
What will it will be?
Leaf printing
We used some of the leaves we collected on our walk to do some leaf printing.

Going on a Bear Hunt
We read the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. The children then went on their own bear hunt in nursery.
Long wavy grass - Swishy swashy!

A deep cold river - Splash splosh!

Thick oozy mud - Squelch squerch!

A big dark forest - Stumble trip!

A swirling whirling snowstorm - Hooo Wooo!

A narrow gloomy cave - Tiptoe!

In to the bed. Under the covers. I'm not going on a bear hunt again!

Mud Kitchen
To finish our autumn topic, we spent time playing in the mud kitchen. They were all very wet and very muddy but the children had a fantastic time!
Topic Three - Is it shiny?
We watched a video about things that are shiny. We sorted some objects into things that were shiny and things that were dull. We looked round school and found things that were shiny.

Charlie and the Christmas Cat
Just before we finished school for the Christmas holidays, Nursery went on a trip to the Lichfield Garrick Theatre to watch Charlie and the Christmas Cat. We had a fantastic time. The children were great on the minibus journey to and from the theatre and they really enjoyed the performance.
Welcome Back
Today we welcomed new children to nursery who have moved up from our Bright Beginnings. They had a fabulous first day and enjoyed playing together outside.

Topic 4 - Where does snow go?
The children came to nursery today to find lots of dinosaurs had been frozen during the weekend. They were stuck in the ice! The children had to use equipment such as spoons to try to free the dinosaurs.
They were fantastic. They all worked so well together to get the dinosaurs out of the ice. There were some fantastic problem solvers who looked for other equipment around nursery to help them get the dinosaurs out.

Ten in the Bed
We have had great fun reading our new book, 'Ten in the Bed'. The children have been joining in with the words and even acted out the story.

Footprints in the snow
The children made snowy footprints on black paper. We used the wellies and some white paint. The children walking, ran, skipped and slipped to make a fabulous trail of snowy footprints.

Fruit Tasting
To begin our new topic we looked at the colours we could see in the foods that we eat. We specifically looked at fruit. After looking and talking about the colours we could see, we tasted the fruit to see which we liked best.

Colour Hunt
We went on a walk around school to look at the different colours. We finished our hunt in the hall where we had to find as many different things as we could that were coloured blue, green, red etc.

Chinese New Year
We celebrated Chinese New Year with the children. As part of the celebration we watched a video showing two children explaining and enjoying celebrations, we made lucky fish and we also tasted some Chinese food - it was delicious!

Colour Mixing
The children mixed two colours of paint together to see what happened. They commented on how the colours changed when the paint was mixed together. They used the new colours for paintings which have been turned into clouds to go with the rainbow on display in nursery.

The children took part in a dance workshop in school. They had a great time and did not stop dancing for nearly 45 minutes. They all said they were tired afterwards but they all really enjoyed themselves.
Making Rainbows
The children used finger painting to create colourful rainbows.

Topic 6 - Why can't I eat chocolate for breakfast?
Breakfast Tasting
To begin our new topic, the children in nursery tasted lots of different things that could be eaten for breakfast. After tasting everything, the children had to decide which was their favourite. They recorded their votes in a bar graph.

World Book Day
The children dressed up as book characters to celebrate World Book Day 2020. During the day we completed lots of activities based on Bing Bunny and listened to stories about Bing.
We were luck enough to have Year 4 visit nursery to read stories to the children.
It was lovely to see so many of you for our parent session. Thank you for completing the activities with your children relating to their favourite books and their favourite things.

Vegetable Printing
As part of our topic we talked about foods that are healthy and good for us to eat. The children named lots of different vegetables and told us about the vegetables that they like to eat. We looked at some of these vegetables and then used them to print onto a large piece of material.

Science Day
We had a special science day in school. Nursery were police officers for the day. We talked first about what the children thought the police actually did.
We watched a video about a little girl who wants to be a police officer when she is older. The children then made their own police badges.
We thought about things police officers actually have to do. We talked about taking people to the police station and that before they 'go to jail' the person that the police officer has would have to have their finger prints taken. Each child then came and we used the finger paints to take their finger prints.

Sport Relief 2020
Nursery took part in lots of sport activities to help raise money for Sport Relief. We used the rebound nets, balls, baskets, beanbags, hoops and bats outside. The children also did some yoga and action songs to finish off their day.
Helping your child
In Nursery we believe parents play an important role in their child's education. At the bottom of this page you will find lots of information for you to support your child in their learning.
Throughout EYFS (Nursery and Reception) everyone works hard to develop each child's capacity to learn, helping them to make good progress and develop excellent attitudes.
The Keys Skills and Early Years Curriculum are delivered through a range of themes, developed through the interests of the children.
The Nursery Curriculum (30 - 50 months) covers the Prime and Specific areas of learning.
Phonics in Nursery
We learn early reading skills in nursery through a variety of listening activities and the Read Write Inc. phonics programme.