Meet Our Rotakids
Our Rota Kids club is up and running with full force. We meet every second Friday and work hard to plan projects and events that will support our school, local and global community.

Welcome to the Brownhills West Rotakids:
President - Rubie
Secretary - Jessica and Minnie
Treasurer - Eveie and Charlie
Head of International group - Una
Head of Fundraising group - Lillie
Head of Community group - Emily
Rotakids meet every second Friday lunchtime with Keith and Roger: our local Rotarians. We discuss raising money for good causes and to help fund items needed for school, such as soft furnishings for our sensory garden.
We have a Lendwithcare account. This enables us to lend money to people in other countries to help towards funding their business. These people are fully vetted and the money is paid back as a loan to our Rotakids account in full over an agreed amount of time. We currently have £38 which will help this good cause to get up and running over the next couple of weeks.
Our Lendwithcare is now fully operational and we have chosen the first six candidates to support and donated £15 to each one. We look forward to hearing how our money has helped them to 'Dream Big' and start up their own business.