Enrichment and Personal Development
At Brownhills West, we do not just want the children to succeed academically; we want to develop the whole child. Personal development is at the core of our enrichment offer. Our children have many different talents and abilities. We therefore want to foster knowledge, skills, abilities and understanding development in many non-statutory but highly important areas further encouraging our children to DREAM BIG.
Brownhills West Enrichment Programme
The Brownhills West Enrichment Programme sits side-by-side our delivery of The National Curriculum and offers our children multiple experiences. We promise to improve, enhance and deepen our children’s world understanding. Children will be guaranteed to undertake a wide range of experiences from Reception to Year 6 that will enrich their world understanding.
The Brownhills West Enrichment Programme will offer a variety of activities such as life skills, orienteering, outdoor survival skills, game making, photography, card making, dance/drama, wildlife food making, sketching, computing, singing and gardening. Below is an example of the offer that may be provided across a half term.
Autumn Term | Enrichment Programme | Outcome |
Reception | Helicopter Stories | Perform Children create, direct and perform in their own stories each week |
Year 1 | Arts and Craft | Present Year 1 will transform into an art gallery, where children present their pieces of work |
Year 2 | Book Club | Perform Children perform a scene from their favourite story |
Year 3 | Eco Warriors | Present Children will deliver an assembly to the rest of the school |
Year 4 | Team Building | Problem Solve Children will complete a physical problem solving task in teams whilst applying the range of skills covered |
Year 5 | Youth Social Action Project: We Will Sing | Perform Children will perform in a concert whilst raising money for a chosen charity |
Year 6 |
Whole School Theme Days
Throughout the year, themed days/weeks are woven into the curriculum to extend the breadth and balance of opportunities we offer our children. These include Anti-bullying Week, Online Safety Day, Black History Month, Sport and Health Week, Mini-enterprise Day, Science Day, European Day of Languages, RE Days and others.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
Forest School is an initiative designed to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through an innovative, long term, educational approach to outdoor play and learning in a woodland environment. As a school, we are fortunate enough to have our own Forest School are and a teacher trained to deliver the Forest School Programme. Follow this link to find out more about our Forest School.
Educational Visits
School trips and visits are an integral part of the education of children at Brownhills West Primary. We value the opportunities such visits offer our children and the commitment of staff and adults undertaking them. Trips include class visits aimed at bringing learning alive and providing first-hand experience. Extra-curricular outings such as activities witht he school choir or sporting events provide the experience of taking part in performances or competitions. We aim to give every child the opportunity to represent our school in anything before they leave us at the end of Year 6.
Visitors to Our School
Visitors (in person and virtual) have a valuable role to play and can contribute to many aspects of the life and work of our school. They deliver talks, workshops and full day activities across a wide range of subject, giving children access to outside experiences and expertise. Visitors provide a link with he wider community - children have the opportunity to work alongside artists, musicians, authors, health professionals and others.
Termly career workshops introduce children to the world of work, develop career-related learning and breakdown gender stereotypes. Presentations introduce children to different career options and aim to increase aspirations while also raising self-esteem and breaking down barriers. Talks are wide-ranging reflecting different employment strategies and delivered by both men and women.
After School Clubs
We offer children opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities after school free of charge to all. At any time, a wide range of clubs is on offer - our programmes of clubs and activities is revised termly depending on the time of year. Clubs are shared at the beginning of a half term, and parent will use our online booking system to confirm the child(ren)'s place. Below is an example of an after school club offer.
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Autumn 1 and 2 | Performing - EYFS | Choir – KS2 | Code Club – Y3/4 |
Spring 1 | Girls Football KS2 | Choir - KS1 | Multi-sports - KS2 |
Spring 2 | Netball – KS2 | Boys Football – KS2 | Multi-sports – KS1 |
Summer 1 | Outdoor Adventure - KS1 | Golf – KS2 | Code Club – Y5/6 |
Summer 2 | Outdoor Adventure – KS2 | Football – KS1 | Rounders – KS2 |
We provide opportunities for children to take part in a wide range of musical activities and performances where they are encouraged to sing, compose and work creatively with sound. Through active listening, children's awareness, understanding and appreciation of a wide variety of music are developed. A range of opportunities are provided within and beyond the curriculum for children to showcase their musical skills and talent, for example, every year our older children take part in Young Voices where school choirs across the Midlands region come together to perform at the Genting Arena in Birmingham.
A rounded programme of daily assemblies helps to promote children's spiritual, moral and cultural development, and provide clear guidance on what is right and what is wrong. Children are taught about our British Values and protected characteristics. We also welcome guests to deliver assemblies, which are held to inspire children and raise aspirations around potential careers for the future.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Being Brownhills Best | Votes for Schools | Singing | Current Theme | Praise Assembly |
Opportunities to Volunteer
Volunteering is an activity that everyone can get involved in and benefit from. At Brownhills West Primary, we promote and encourage children's active citizenship and positive contribution to the school and wider community. We offer many opportunities for children to take on new responsibilities and be involved in successfully supporting the life and work of the school. These include elected representatives on our School Council, Eco Committee, Digital Leaders, Junior Health and Safety Officers and RotaKids. Older children can also apply and be interviewed for positions such as Playground Leaders and Class Librarians, and within classes children can volunteer to take on various responsibilities ranging from collecting and distributing equipment to supporting staff members in delivering assemblies.
Children tell us that they enjoy the opportunity to volunteer to help make our school an even better place to be and rising to the challenge that additional responsibilities bring.